"Can You Blame Entire Nation?" Anger Over Navjot Sidhu's Pulwama Remark

by Manoj Jha SEO Services | Website Development
Manoj Jha Senior   SEO Services | Website...
Navjot Singh Sidhu on Pulwama Terror Attack: Speaking to the media to condemn the "cowardly and dastardly" terror attack, Mr Sidhu also said, "It (the terror attack) is a cowardly and dastardly act and I condemn it firmly. Violence is always condemnable and those who did it must be punished."
Feb 16th 2019 05:40

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Manoj Jha Senior   SEO Services | Website Development
Sidhu should be removed from the show immediately and he should be strictly advised to be more careful while speaking.
Feb 16th 2019 05:41   
Ravi Kant Senior   SEO Expert and SMO Manager
I would use only one line amongst the most Disrespectful "Navjot Sidhu".

: Sidhu tere barah baj gaye hai
Feb 16th 2019 05:55   
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