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Dreams Can Come True

by Connie Pusins Zeek Rewards
Connie Pusins Advanced   Zeek Rewards
Aloha Everybody,

I just want to share with you my business which I call " Dreams Can Come True".

The purpose of this website is to encourage people who have dreams to become financially comfortable via internet marketing.
I believe that a person who has dtermination and perseverance can be succesful and make their dreams turn into reality.
It is okay to be a "dreamer", but you have to take action into making that dream
come true. Set your goals high and and keep working at it until you achieve
what you want.
Our attitude in many ways ties directly to our inner voice
that forever asks the questions,
"Are you moving toward your DREAMS?"
If your answer is, "YES", then HOPE breeds contentment.
Hope is a very powerful booster for anybody.

Here is my link:

Thank you and take care!

Kind regards,
Connie Pusins
Jun 3rd 2007 12:17

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Tim and Linda/CMAS, BS, RN hutch Senior  RN turned staty at home mom
I completely agree Connie.... Where Tim and I LOST $25,000 in MLMS.. we NEVER lost belief in US or lost focus on realizing our dreams and we've EARNED $425+K in CDM online.

One MIGHT need to find a new vehicle to get them there if the business their in isn't working, but NEVER quit believing or taking DAILY ACTION to reaching your goals...

EVERY Team in EVERY Company builds / supports differently (that's why it's SOOOO important to actually INTERVIEW and choose carefully who you enroll under)!

Linda/CMAS, BS, RN aka "BizNurse" aka SAH "MOM"
Jun 3rd 2007 15:38   
Connie Pusins Advanced   Zeek Rewards
Aloha Linda,

Thank you for your comments. I am glad that we share the same belief.
I think that setting your goals high and keeping focus on what you really
want in life determines your SUCCESS. Everybody is reponsible for their
Life. If you want success to come, you need determination and perseverance.

To Our Success,

Jun 5th 2007 01:43   
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