Publishing Online

Global Sharingâ„¢

by reymon
reymon Innovator
Compensation Plan Overview

Take the time to review Juvio’s exciting Global Share™ compensation Plan. Through our very lucrative commission payout schedule of up to 70%, Juvio’s revenue sharing system has become extremely popular since our creation and launch in October of 2002. Please make sure you take the time to study each bonus segment as offered by Juvio to you.
Jun 3rd 2007 09:05

Sponsor Ads


Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
In my experience the strongest incentive to joining a compensation plan is people sharing personal experience. This does not have to be only those making big money.

Reymon I would much rather read what you have to say about Juvio, how will it change my life and how will I profit from it.

There is a headline that went around in different forms for about a year in solo ads.

‘See how a grocery store bag boy makes $10,000 a month’

We all want to read about real people like us doing real things. So let us see what you have to write.
Jun 3rd 2007 10:08   
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