Quality Content Writers Group

Why don't gurus listen?

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
I've just had another one of those "Arthur, I need your help" emails from a guru who I had thought was better than that.

If you have ever had one of these emails you will know that they ask what your biggest marketing problem is so that they can answer it in their up-coming product.

If you have ever had one of these and had a follow up you will know that the question that was asked most often was about list building. IT'S ALWAYS ABOUT LIST BUILDING!

This is another one of those smart ideas that worked the first time and then was sold as part of a "fantastic, can't fail, brand new method for building and developing your list".

Why do they bother?

Actually, I should not be asking that question - what I should be asking is "Why do they know that people will actually think that they really want an answer? Are internet marketers really so mind bogglingly stupid?

My question never gets answered (No - I don't respond to the email!) where ever I post it.

It is a simple question -

Who can I trust - and why?

Isn't it about time that Communities like Apsense started to grab their members by some delicate parts and made them actually think about what they are doing?

There are huge resources here in both practical matters and in the experiences of the members.

Maybe it is about time that there was a moratorium on accepting or allowing blogs that simply repeated the lame and near criminal claims of programmes. Maybe it is time that before a programme could be advertised in a blog, proof should be provided to a moderator that the person advertising it uses it and makes money with it.

One person here advertises about three different programmes every week - each one guaranteed to make you disgustingly wealthy.

I'm sorry, but from where I sit, that is simply spamming the blogs. 
Apr 2nd 2008 15:55

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Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
What I'd like to know, Arthur, is why these people keep advertising the
programs, if they really are "disgustingly wealthy" from them.

If they are that rich, why do they need network marketing at all?

Apr 2nd 2008 17:29   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Snakesmum,

Just as perverts in chat rooms pretend to be hunky young guys or sexy young womenn to entice innocent members into their clutches - so do these marketers.

I believe thay are just as evil and just as malevolent as that. They might not kill anybody directly but I do know one personal friend who committed suicide because of his continual failure at internet marketing. He was unable to accept that all these idiots, bimbos, dead heads and morons were not making the money that they claimed to be. (He was of the very old school that believed computers could not be wrong.)

Unfortunately he became obsessed with chasing every red herring that spread it's stink across his path and must have paid thousands of pounds into stupid schemes designed only to make the promotor wealthy.

Admittedly, he was a little unstable and did have an obsessive personality, but he is typical of the type of person these internet marketers have most success with in obtaining money for which they can give absolutely no justification.

Not only are these marketers broke, financially, they are also lacking in any human understanding of the possible consequences of their carefully scripted lies. Even if they could understand, they wouldn't care!
Apr 3rd 2008 03:38   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Arthur,

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Have heard about people getting into financial
difficulties with network marketing, but not of it having gone this far.

Obviously the problem is far worse than is widely known, as if one person has
taken this way out, then others most likely have also.

There is something seductive about the lure of wealth, that's for sure. One has
to cultivate a streak of cynicism, or do I mean scepticism, to protect oneself from
all this hype.

A wide streak of meanness about spending money wouldn't hurt either! :-)

As one who has been bitten a couple of times, but learned a lesson from it, I
can still see the lure in many of the ads. My favourite comment on reading them,
however, is "yeah, right!", while hitting the delete button.

If you want to succeed at online marketing, pick your product/program carefully,
focus on it, and really work it. There's no easy way, as we both know.


Apr 3rd 2008 16:41   
Chuck Bartok Professional   Veteran Entrepreneur now Sharing

I am glad to be back and read this great stuff form two fantastic People.

I just did a Conference aoput this very same problem.
Being in Business is a Process, making money should be a consequence.

But only if all the Ducks are in order.
I keep meeting empty wallets who BOUGHT a
without a Foundation or any Knolwedge of How to make it work.

Well it will continue to be as long as we spoil and entitle everyone.

They Deserve a Break Today ! HA
Apr 3rd 2008 20:17   
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