Quality Content Writers Group

Cor! They can't answer me - so they banned me!

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
I have just finished having quite an interesting experience on the web with a fairly well known membership site.

I was enrolled by a friend who is building a web site for me because he thought what they were offering was just what a newbie at internet marketing might need. Even though I have spent over two years on the periphery, looking in, my knowledge did not provide me with the experience I needed to survive in this membership site. I suppose I was like a person swimming with big fishes - not realising that some of them were sharks.

Initially I was very pleased with what I received but soon discovered that the much vaunted support system relied almost entirely upon other members providing answers to problems. That was neither too bad nor unexpected. What was too bad and totally unexpected was that if the members did not know the answers - you were simply left floundering.

I am a straight talking person who likes to feel that even if what I say is against what the reader believes, the reader will, at the very least, send me a reply to tell me what an idiot I am. With a supposedly 'professional' outfit, I foolishly believed that the concerns of members would be of some importance and that the owners were grown ups able to defend their product if I was wrong.


I got no responses to genuine concerns about template stability and flexibility and other matters, nor did I receive confirmation that a sum of money paid for an advertising co-op had been received or allocated properly (after nearly three weeks). Where other people had voiced similar concerns to myself over matters, I added my own comments.

In an effort to see what other people had managed to create for themselves, I looked at a forum stream where other members were looking for reviews of their sites. In five sites that I looked at, not one of them was built on a flexible template that could adapt to different screen resolutions - at a screen resolution of 800 (still very common in Europe) all of the sites required a scroll bar to enable viewers to see the whole width of the sites.

My own site could not be viewed in Firefox very well because it broke up - and it was based on the standard template.

What was the response to my genuine concerns and honest opinions - I breached their TOS and got myself banned from the forum!

I can only assume that the owners or moderatiors of this membership site are not at all concerned with answering questions or providing assistance and that the rule of PMA was imposed rigidly.

In other words, if you need help from this site, pretend you don't and post a happy message to the forum because, as you know, PMA will cause all problems to disappear and by demonstrating PMA, they might let you continue to post your happy little messages.

This experience has been a salutory one because now I can sympathise with people who feel that they have been ripped off and lied to - because that is exactly how I feel now.
Apr 1st 2008 05:48

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Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Understand perfectly how you feel, Arthur. Don't know how some sites
get away with it.
Apr 1st 2008 17:04   
David Schupbach Senior   
Dear Arthur,
I finally got here, and I know what site you are talking about as we mailed privately about it.
I haven't experienced problems yet, probably because I haven't done too much with it, simply added some html and some content.
However, your experience got me to thinking, andI have decided I can build the same pages with my own html editor on my own site, and I don't really need their services.
thanks for posting your experience.
Apr 11th 2008 20:30   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
It seems that I can now rejoin the programme at a large discount - but what is the point if my questions and comments in the help forum are too difficult for them to answer and I get banned again?

Dear Arthur,

We just completed our first two webinars and the
feedback from the many members that were in
attendance was overwhelming.

Not only do our members absolutely LOVE their
xxxxxxxxxx sites, but our first webinar was a HIT!

Seems like the webinar format works to answer
A LOT of questions our members have about their
sites, and we are now scheduling these exclusive
"Members Only" webinars on a weekly basis.

We want you to get in on these "members only"
webinars, and we are willing to put our money
where our mouth is.

Rejoin xxxxxxxxx today, and you will get your
first month absolutely free! And I will make you
and Advanced member with all of the bells and
whistles on me!

* Not a cent out of your pocket!

Take the time to explore your xxxxxxxxxx and
participate in the forum and the webinars. If you
decide to remain an active member, I'll keep you
at the Advanced Members status but you will only
pay the Basic member fee of just $19.97 /month!

* Who is eligible? Any past member of xxxxxxxxxx
that ceased being an active member prior to
01 April 2008 with a domain name that is still
registered in the xxxxxxxxxx system qualify.

Do this now and you'll get instant access to all of
the Advanced membership "perks" and you can
attend up to 4 xxxxxxxxxxx Members Only webinars.

What a pity they could not have been so accommodating BEFORE I was forced to leave!
Apr 21st 2008 04:09   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Sounds as if they didn't do as well as they hoped Arthur, and are now trying
to recoup their losses / members ! :-)

Apr 21st 2008 18:33   
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