The People Group

Simple Question?

by Not Here just want my account deleted
Not Here Committed just want my account deleted
This group is described as a "hub for Entrepreneurs", but what exactly is one?

Defined in the dictionary as:  "a person who launches or manages a business venture"

Can you just sign up for a biz opp and call yourself one?  Or is there a whole lot more to it?

I always thought an entrepreneur was someone who worked hard and gave it that little extra.

Someone who took pride and joy in their work and business and never settled for less!

Someone who only seen opportunity at every apparent 'problem' and enjoyed overcoming obstacles in the pursuit of their dreams!

Maybe I'm way off base though, whatever entrepreneurs are.....Have you seen any lately?

What makes them entrepreneurs?
Mar 30th 2008 15:11

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Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Grabbing ahold of nothing but an idea and changing the status quo in a social setting ( For better or worse) can be seen as one of the telling features of an entreprenuer...

Oddly, no one has mentioned going to, and asking them for a definition...
Apr 7th 2008 17:10   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Thanks Folks,

Interesting point Jeff, I'd also be curious as to what they say about it over at another newly launched social network called 'e entrepreneur' or something like that...

Apr 7th 2008 20:07   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Peaceful,

What would be the point of going to and asking them for a definition?

Of all people, they have a vested interest in promoting the word as something akin to abracadabra or open sesame - a little bit of magic only the gifted are aware of.

The question posed is eminently simple and, unfortunately for those who feel that being an entrepreneur is, somehow, being special, so is the answer.

As I said earlier, the desperation for the word to mean something else will, eventually, actually change it's accepted meaning. Already I have seen reference to non-profit entrepreneurs which is, of course, an oxymoron.
Apr 8th 2008 02:58   
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