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I just had to share this . . . . I nearly pee'd myself writing it!

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
This comment I have posted on somebody else's blog will almost certainly get deleted but the sheer audacity of the advertiser simply took my breath away! 

Now I have heard it all.

Jesus might want me for a sunbeam but God wants me to sell vitamins!

My word. haven't I been a silly boy?

All these years I have been thinking that my relationships with other people, the way we interact and the way we support each other had quite a bit to do with the way my life has developed.

It never, ever occured to me that I lived in a vacuum and that the activities of others (let's not mention their requirements) had absolutely nothing to do with me and did not impact on my life!

It never seemed to me that my disability and pain were anything more than the price of being alive but (and I have to ask "How wrong can I be?") I should have paid more attention because they must be the necessary training to enable me to sell God's vitamins!

Mea culpa. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

The Lord sure does work in mysterious ways!

There has been a tendency to create so-called Christian businesses but I have never seen anybody preach that the way to salvation is to sell vitamins! Where on earth does this idea come from and I have to ask, just how low can you go?

Moses had it all wrong in Mt. Sainaii - he forgot to bring down the Holy Sales Manual.

On second thoughts, let's leave God out of it.

Let's, instead, ask ourselves why we, as individuals, are being accused on a more and more regular basis of failing to live up to our potential. Why are we allowing advertising that is little short of insulting and totally lacking in good taste?

How dare anybody who knows absolutely nothing about us decide that we are foolish enough to believe that they are privvy to God's will?

Shouldn't they be addressing congregations in churches rather than spreading this sort of inanity around here at Apsense?

Mar 27th 2008 18:07

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Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hhmmmm, I think I'd just have gone away from that blog. :-)
I stay away from religion online - it's safer that way.
Do understand where you're coming from, however.


Mar 27th 2008 19:55   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
I will agree with Jean on this one... No matter what the product it seems, from bullets to baby baskets, somebody out there mysteriously gets the notion that religion will sell it better.
Mar 28th 2008 10:35   
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