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This Is Ridiculous!

by Marko S. Web Presence Provider
Marko S. Professional   Web Presence Provider
I don't know anymore how many times I send message to support@apsense.com, how many questions asked respectable members here and still don't get answer:

Why I don't have my ads I setup shown above my content (blog posts, groups and discussions)?

I'm a member more than half a year and still no answer?

Does my ads have the worst design in the world or they're unacceptable or they stinks or what?

I just want to know what's going on. This is the one and only and last place where to ask. I put question in the ASK section, I sent mails to support, I discuss with other members and this takes more than three months. Each techical problem should be solved in this time. If doesn't than this site team is incapacity to care all functions of site and members will have more and more problems in future. I don't believe that this site can grow with that kind of relations to members.
Mar 20th 2008 18:57

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