What's working? What's not?

Interesting topic

by Warren Contreras Old Retired Guy
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
What I'm most interested in is how many people on ApSense are willing to join a group that they can't spam their opportunities to?

Massive proliferation of referral links everywhere you can get one doesn't work, not even on a safelist. Even if you do manage to get a few to sign up, they seldom do anything and will eventually drop out.

If there's one concept I've heard of that I have proven to actually work for me at building a solid organization, it's don't chase them, let them find you.

Obviously it's prudent to make yourself easy to find, but spinning your wheels with expensive advertising and poking your nose into every discussion with a link, is just going to assure that no one WANTS to find you.

That's my 2 cents worth for today.
Mar 16th 2008 12:06

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Robin Watson Innovator   prof
Thanks Oldbuddy, for your 2 cents!

I have found myself browsing through blog titles and passing over 70% of them. Why? Because even their titles are spam. The massive proliferation of referral links everyone not only doesn't work, I think it harms.

I appreciate you adding your thoughts.


Mar 18th 2008 11:41   
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