Sharper Focus on QC Tech

Better Text Ads - Beats Google pennies!

by Mark Hultgren Wordpress Specialist
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Here is an example of some Better Text Ads that I use in place of Google for some of my sites





If interested, please check out the program at

And another option is


All links will open in a new window too!
Mar 10th 2008 16:06

Sponsor Ads


Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Do they pay in the same way as Google? Might have to check them out
and see what they have to offer.........
Mar 10th 2008 16:12   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
I have been using better text ads on my web sites for some time.

I have also used the model to create ads using my own site name as the header and footer, and (cloaked) links to affiliate sales pages to ensure that I get paid any commissions.

These ad blocks are very simple to create and a wysiwyg html editor like Nvu gives excellent results.
Mar 10th 2008 17:13   
David Schupbach Senior   
Hey! Thanks a lot Mark, Arthur!
I will now have to see if I can integrate them into my site.
Mar 10th 2008 20:57   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
It should be easy to do David, Just replace the code in the google.php file with the code you get from Better Txt Ads. Check the Index.php file for the Include statement that loads your google blocks. Just remember to match the same ad block size to each segment. So you don't end up with a skyscraper ad where you expect a banner :-)
Mar 11th 2008 10:39   
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