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The USA is really being driven to the wall!

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
"Supporters of the legislation say it would preserve the United States' ability to collect critical intelligence and raise country's moral standing abroad."

This statement is taken from a recent report on the GWB veto of a law preventing torture. One particular torture being 'waterboarding' - a despicably nasty form of oxygen denial.

GWB justifies his support of torture by saying that it is a valuable method of interrogation that has kept America safe from terrorist attacks.

Stupid Old Coot had thought that the USA was a bastion of rectitude and civilised behaviour but it seems this is not at all the case. How can anybody, least of all the nominal leader of a supposedly civilised country, possibly expect anybody to believe this?

Torture, if I am not mistaken, was one of the activities GWB and the poodle used to justify the invasion of Iraq. Certainly the poodle used the fact of torture to try to seize the high moral ground.

Presumably, torture subjects will no longer have to be flown, in secrecy, to places where torture is permitted - America will have its' own torture chambers! Will they let the public pay to watch, I wonder?

I wonder what measures they will use against college students who might be thinking about terror attacks on colleges or in shopping malls. Will it be reasonable to torture students to ensure that they are not planning such a venture? After all, haven't the last few terror attacks within USA been by citizens? White, non-arabic citizens?

Just how low can you go?

BTW - what value can be placed upon any information gained by torture? Not much - but, of course, the torturers will know what they want their subject to say and they will make sure he says it. 

Mar 8th 2008 12:55

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Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
"I cannot sign into law a bill that would prevent me, and future presidents, from authorizing the CIA to conduct a separate, lawful intelligence program, and from taking all lawful actions necessary to protect Americans from attack," Bush said in a statement."

This is part of a statement by GWB justifying his retention of the use of torture.

From this, it is a very small step indeed to introduce laws making any evil, antisocial or terrorist behaviour by the government and its' agencies 'against people within the boundaris of the USA, 'lawful'.

Watch out America - maybe Iran is not the next target for a terrorist attack by the US authorities - maybe YOU are!!!

Mar 8th 2008 15:23   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
Not only that Arthur, but his Patriot Act that WAS signed by Congress defines a terrorist as an extremist (such as a constitutionalist) who speaks out against the government. Apparently, the "Dumbing Down of America" has worked, because the average citizens doesn't even recognize the danger in this legislation!
Mar 8th 2008 20:26   
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