Totalisation, where learning never ends

Catch phrases to stand by

by Rich Scott
Rich Scott Advanced  
I was thinking last night as I was thinking of the excitement that is brewing because of the endeavor we have taken on! I don't know if this is inspirational, but it is my thoughts: I began thinking about sayings that I have heard almost all my life! Ones that my Dad have repeated to me over and over again! My father who has past over ten years ago was my one of biggest inspirations throughout my life!

These coined phrases have withstood time and I wondered why? Was it that they were genius, were they created by some of wisest people of all times or maybe they where doctrines set forth by philosophers of the past!

Actually, I don't think any of the above are quit true, but never the less these simply thoughts were said and created a belief that we will passed on to generation after generation!

"There is no 'I' in 'Team.' "

-- Author Unknown

"United we stand, Divided we fall"

-- Author Matthew Walker

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going!"

-- Author Unknown

So as you see these catch phrases which we all as so familiar with and have embedded in our brain! have no real origins, but have been said by the greats as well as the common man!

At this time I would like to use all three to state the point that we as team builders will succeed in Totalisation,  if we can pull these three from the achieves and stand by them!

Proud to say I'm part of this team!
Mar 3rd 2008 08:49

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Szilard Jancso Advanced   
You really hit the spot with these thoughts. I know two of them and i use it lots of times. I hope these will motivate and increase moral of the members. Keep them coming.
Mar 4th 2008 04:16   
Jose Innovator   
I recently read somewhere that.....The purpose of assembling
a team is to accomplish bigger goals than one individual could
ever working alone.

When a team is running on 8 cylinders..there is
more of WE and less of I.

Mar 4th 2008 22:56   
Donald Cox Freshman  
Hey Richard,

Thanks for sharing some excellent thoughts on team building...
I also think that people can accomplish so much more when they work together...
it gives you a sense of comradarie and belonging, and a secure feeling in knowing that you're not out there on your own. Let's face it, it's a tough world out there, and going it alone can be pretty scary at times, even in the business world. It always helps to have someone you can turn to for help and advice, or even just a little encouragement once in a while.

Here's a couple of others that have always helped me along the way:

"All for one, and one for all"

"No man is an island"

And one of the wisest I've ever heard or read:

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

For me, life's experiences are more meaningful when they are shared.

Just my thoughts,
Mar 26th 2008 13:07   
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