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I Need Your Help Please

by Marvin Williams
Marvin Williams Professional
I just finish writing a report and I need your feedback good or bad. The report is in PDF format. 

Thank you

Marvin Williams
Feb 27th 2008 16:17

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Hi Marvin,
Hope you're fine here.

I had a look to your PFD. Not bad!
What is great is that your have done the hard work. (It is not so easy to decide and start writing an ebook... and finish it. So many have try, try, and are always trying.

Want to say a great BRAVO!

What I don't like:
I found that there is a lot links. (Think that not all people like so much links...)
Maybe you could think about creating a webpage to put all these links.
But it is only my point of view.

Now, I suppose you are going to get it downloaded to build your list. LIKE THE BIGS BOYS! Ah! Ah! Ah! Very great. It' a start.

Good luck for the next !

Feb 28th 2008 09:43   
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