WAHM/D's sharing business tips.

While I'm on the phone, my kids....

by Robin Watson prof
Robin Watson Innovator   prof
How do you occupy your kids while you talk to customers on the phone?  My oldest (9) can occupy herself, but my 5 year old still has this habit of needing something from me as soon as I get on the phone.  Also, because I wear an earbud with my phone hooked on my belt, she wasn't always aware that I was talking on the phone because it wasn't up to my ear.  Now, when I'm talking on the phone, I put on a hat.  That way, they know I'm on the phone and shouldn't disturb me.  I also make sure my younger daughter has drawing/coloring/art activities near my desk when I know I'll be on the phone.
Feb 25th 2008 14:22

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Robin Watson Innovator   prof
Well, I found a new way to entertain my 5 year old while I'm on the phone. I take my laptop and phone to the very comfy chair next to the window in the living room. This has a wonderful view of my back yard. This past weekend, she learned how to ride a bike! So, now I get to watch her ride around our house again and again while I'm on the phone. I can keep an eye on her, and get work done at the same time.


Mar 11th 2008 12:29   
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