One Big Downline

Make 1 million$ dollars to Apsense!

by Indrit Shkodra
Indrit Shkodra Senior  
Well I liked the idea of this group of to make 1 million $ to Apsense. Maybe the leader of the group has a clear idea how to make those dollars$, but most of the people or members here don't know yet.

What I am trying to explain is something that is based on theory and not in practice because I am going to use some variables which are not guaranteed to happen exactly.

Let us start. The first thing you need to know is that as a FREE Member you get Paid 0.001$ per unique view of your content which can be from your blogs, bulletins, discussions,...etc.

What we need to know still, is that Apsense has a number of approximately 20 000 members.

And basing to math we make some easy calculation:

If you write one blog and  all members of Apsense read it,you earn: 0.001$ x 20 000 = 20$

So if you want  to make 1 million $ to Apsense you must write  50 000 blogs(or even subjects, discussions...etc) and those blogs must be read from all of Apsense members:

1 000 000 : 20$ = 50 000 blogs

Seems possible eh  
Feb 17th 2008 12:29

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Uzeri Usof Innovator   
who are going to write those thousand of blogs? i dun think so i can do it...we should have ideas when we wanna write otherwise the blog doesn't mean anything to us or others
Feb 18th 2008 08:25   
Uzeri Usof Innovator   
i wanna know does we being paid if we reply the bloggers comment?
Feb 18th 2008 08:26   
SH Toh Committed   
suckey , I don't think we will get paid if we reply to comments, I think it's only when you create content, like posting a new topic or new blog.

Let me know I'm wrong ;-)

The Rich Whiz

Feb 18th 2008 08:30   
Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Good luck getting people actively involved here. These days no one knows how to FOCUS on anything, they just bounce around joining program after program hoping to "magically" get rich without doing anything just because they joined a free program???

Then there's the problem of people who work against each other rather than WITH EACH OTHER, how simple is that?

Feb 18th 2008 09:48   
SH Toh Committed   
Yes! we should work with each other and not the opposite ;-)

The Rich Whiz
Feb 18th 2008 10:50   
Dora Akingbade-Watson Senior   Lifestyle Business Developer
Hi Guys,

Interesting concept here, and very do-able if we put our heads together.

Have any of you considered using the freely available site feeds and making submissions to search engine directories?

Also having relevant links embedded in your content is an excellent way to get noticed as this is what the search engines look for when the crawl the web.

Just a thought,

Feb 18th 2008 11:27   
Dora Akingbade-Watson Senior   Lifestyle Business Developer
Hi Indrit,
Nice to see you here on APSense.

Feb 18th 2008 11:28   
Dora Akingbade-Watson Senior   Lifestyle Business Developer
Another way to achieve this goal is through a Co-Op.

Just some ideas for you.

Feb 18th 2008 11:29   
SH Toh Committed   
I think we have to change our mindset of this site, yes, it can earn us moola by posting content and blog, but it may be slow earning, maybe that's the reason why some of the mebers wasn't so active as they can't see any big earning here.

Why not we use this site to promote whatever business you are involve in and also exchange marketing ideas and make friends with like-mind people. Maybe that way we all will enjoy this site more. Also do make some effort to visit this site whenever you are free from work or in the weekends, this will make this site more lively!

The Rich Whiz
Feb 18th 2008 11:37   
Indrit Shkodra Senior   
Hey "Rich".I wanted to tell you about the World of Apsense.If you want to buy someone's blog ads, the seller must specify the amount of time your ad will be shown in his/her space.I.e let us say: you can buy my group ad space for 3 months with a specified price(which can be bid too).

Hi Dora.
You have a nice name.That name is used commonly in my country. I would like you to give more info about rss feeds and what Yoy mentioned cause i don't have much information about those and can those feeds increase our content traffic through search engines.

And you don't get Paid for comments.
Feb 18th 2008 16:28   
SH Toh Committed   
indrit, I can't see the sellers in 'World of Apsense' state how long the advertisement will be lasted, did I miss anything?

The Rich Whiz
Feb 18th 2008 21:50   
Dora Akingbade-Watson Senior   Lifestyle Business Developer
Hi Guys,
Check out Marvin Williams article on viral marketing.
He's posted in the Web 2.0 secrets group.
It will give you some great ideas.
Feb 19th 2008 01:47   
Dora Akingbade-Watson Senior   Lifestyle Business Developer
Oops my mistake,
he posted in Internet Marketing
Here's the link

Feb 19th 2008 01:50   
Indrit Shkodra Senior   
Hey Rich that is something that you and the seller must arrange together.ok
Feb 19th 2008 05:43   
SH Toh Committed   
indrit, I see, all based on trust? what if the seller and buyer agreed on 2 months but half way the seller take down the ad, I think there's no one we can complaint to.

The Rich Whiz
Feb 19th 2008 05:52   
Indrit Shkodra Senior   
I am not sure, but you must contact support.Well I am not sure this whole thing is working right now, cause I see people selling their blog ads for 100$ and at the same time having such low traffic as 0.1 hits per day.
Feb 19th 2008 06:43   
SH Toh Committed   
I'm not going to pay even $1 to advertise on a page with a 0.1 hit, let alone $100 LOL

The Rich Whiz
Feb 20th 2008 02:16   
Paula Gaon Senior   
The math is beautiful! The reality...?
Feb 20th 2008 09:47   
Indrit Shkodra Senior   
The reality is based on math i would answer.
Feb 20th 2008 10:28   
Marko S. Professional   Web Presence Provider
something off topic for indrit:

saw somewhere that you have problems with transfering funds from paypal. Few days ago find one new service called
They made transfers between paypal, moneybookers, alertpay and cheque. But they have fee approximately 12%. If you think it is useful use it. oh yes, type - ilbiscom as a referrer ;-)))
Feb 20th 2008 15:33   
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