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Making Use Of My Spare Time

by Lynn I. Earning Online Since 1999
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
I am sure you all have noticed that it has been a little slow here at APSense lately. Besides helping new members and referrals get settled in here. I have been working on my personal site. But, I am here at APSense all day and I do read what is being posted in my groups. I see that there have been a few more jokes posted in this group. Even though they are enjoyable to read :) . I do hope that more members start posting a little about themselves here, maybe sharing everyday life. As this is what the group was intended for.

So how have you been using your spare time....if there is such a thing..lol?

Jan 25th 2008 07:30

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Paula Gaon Senior   
Nice post, Lynn. I've felt that things are slow too;
thought it was just me in the winter doldrums.
Maybe it's still post-holiday fatigue/slump. At
least the days are getting noticeably longer.
Like you, I revamped my site, also did some
general all-around reorganizing and have
treated myself to a couple of good novels.

Any suggestions for boosting enthusiasm?

Keep Smiling,
Jan 28th 2008 06:42   
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