Quality Content Writers Group

Self Published? Market It Online!

by Mark Hultgren Wordpress Specialist
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
The Internet has revolutionized the publishing world.  No longer are author confined to the big publishing house.  For a small fee you can become published author.  Get your politically incorrect manuscript out there.  Produce a handy how-to book on your favorite subject.  No matter what type of book you want to publish, self publishing can get your work out there.

The major drawback of self publishing is that there between into a positive.  However, this can be turned into a positive.  Internet marketing is very effective for self published authors.  The Internet is a must have for any writer these days.  The networking and marketing tools are endless.  Build demand for your self published book.

A very simple painless form of Internet marketing for your book is e-mail.  Get the word out about your book.  Send out announcements through e-mail.  Everyone in your address book should get an announcement about your book.  Whether it is fiction of nonfiction, send out e-mails to everyone.  Make sure that you create a letter that is intriguing, friendly and exciting.  No one is going to be excited about your book unless you are. 

Create some urgency about your book.  Tell your friends that you only have a certain amount of books left.  Send out a monthly newsletter about your writing life.  Keep in touch with everyone you know and make new friends on the fly.  If you meet someone at a wine tasting, book reading or book club be sure that you get their e-mail address.  That way you can contact them without spending any money to do so.

Another easy way to do some Internet Marketing for your book is to e-mail local bookstores.  Making connections with independent booksellers is vital to your success.  Send an e-mail inquiring about the bookstore carrying your book.  This is a much better approach than simply popping up unannounced.  Let booksellers know that you are coming before you show up with your book.

The Internet is full of online writing guilds and websites where you can advertise your book.  Some of these organizations may charge a fee but it is worth the cost.  Besides you may be able to claim these fees on your taxes.  Check with an accountant to see if this is an option for you. 

Another easy Internet marketing tip for self published authors is, have a professional do your website.  Using one of the free or low cost website building sites will not give you a professional looking website.  Have the professional construct your website so it is very attractive.  This the best way to draw potential customers to your website.  Once you have your professional website up and running, register with different search engines.

Locate other self published author online and work to support one another.  Ask if they want to swamp web addresses and advertise on each other’s websites.  Enjoy networking and gain exposure while making new writing connections.  The more self published authors you are in contact with, the better.

Internet marketing can increase the sales of your book.  Be sure to have a Paypal and credit card button on your site.  Have several payment options and be sure that your site is easy to navigate.

Internet marketing is a necessary tool for the self published author.  While authors who are published in the big publishing houses have plenty of marketing self published authors are on their own.  However, that does not mean that marketing and promoting your book is impossible.  There are plenty of ways to infiltrate the world of self published authors.  Most of them include internet marketing tricks.
And don't forget, you can get all this for free at my 2GetSales membership!
Jan 7th 2008 18:37

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Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
And don't forget as a self-publisher, proof read your work or no one will be paying attention to what you have to say (no matter how worthwhile your material) if there are a lot of spelling and grammatical errors.
Jan 7th 2008 19:18   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Great advice....... now if only I could motivate myself to just write that

Have been seriously considering self-publishing, and a friend had her
book published in the UK. Even with the freight costs, it was cheaper
than getting it done here, at the time.
Jan 7th 2008 21:27   
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