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Get the cash you need now!!!!

by Wayne Peabody
Wayne Peabody Innovator
My name is Wayne and this is a true story. The night I called Rex I had nowhere else to go. With two packages of Ramen noodles in my pocket, my hope was that I could at least get some hot water so I could eat.

Today, in less than three months, I am able to generate the cash I need to continue to rebuild my life and prepare for a future (that I didn't even believe I had) a year ago. The minute I saw what Rex and his team were doing to generate money from the Internet I began to believe that there was hope!

Even today… the phone is ringing and we are closing advertising sales and other income programs that are generating hundreds of dollars, even a thousand plus, daily.

I'm brand new at this and I can do… so I am certain anyone can!

So how does a homeless guy like me go from sleeping in the fields of Phoenix to generating life changing money online? Go here!
Jan 2nd 2008 17:18

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