For the love of cats

Making My Cat Happy

by Jean DAndrea Retired
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Tia is a bit of a nervy cat, but she seemed to be really happy this morning,
for some reason.

It was 36C yesterday, and it's supposed to be 38C today, so I wanted her
to stay inside.    No way - out she went as usual this morning, to go lie in
one of her spots under some bushes.

Looking out the study window a little later, I could see Tia, rolling and writhing
on her back in the mulch, and looking very happy and contented.     Very good
to see.

My partner & I have just carved up the remnants of the turkey, and of course
some had to be saved for the cat.   It's not right to make your pets miss out
on the Xmas leftovers, so the chickens got the turkey skin, and Tia got a large
handful of white meat.      

She loved it!    There was a happy, contented look on her face when she'd
cleaned the bowl. 

She also had a bowl ful of beef and port scraps yesterday, but
one thing's for sure - she better not get used to that type of meal, because
it's not going to happen every day!   :-)

Make your cat happy and share the good food with them.
Dec 28th 2007 20:54

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Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Would you believe, I've got a cat who doesn't like chicken!
I can try giving her chicken as often as I like, but she will NOT eat it, so
it's wasted on her.

At least she'll eat the chicken flavoured cat biscuits that are mixed in
with the other flavours.

The vet had advised feeding her raw chicken wings for her dental
health. He can forget that one - will just have to find another way
to keep her teeth healthy.

Any suggestions welcome!
Jan 23rd 2008 20:19   
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