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My weekly newsletter - by Dr. Albert I. Morin, N.D.

by Albert Morin
Albert Morin Advanced
Hello Valerie & Friends

Thanks for the invite to the group. I too have difficulty spelling which reflects poorly on someone who has spent considerable time in schools. I attempt to check writings before I share them with an audience but from time to time I slip up.

Although, I do have a blog or two online my main focus is on newsletters. I have a free newsletter that friends can subscribe to by joining my mailing list. Simply fill out the bravenet form found at the bottom of my webpage:

I have been online for over 4 years now and enjoy meeting new people and friends. I also have a private group started here called "Real People" for those interested in participating.

Dr. Albert I. Morin, N.D.
Jun 1st 2007 22:39

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Valerie Hasara Magnate I   Marketing, Web Designer, Owner
Mary Jo Adams, ezine owner, has a good reply when people point out she has made a spelling mistake.

“Yes, but did you get my point?”

The day I quit worrying about spelling is the day I found my voice.

How often do you send your newsletter out?

Jun 2nd 2007 14:30   
Albert Morin Advanced  
Thanks Valerie for your comments!

Communication is the key to everything online so hopefully we convey our desired message and achieve our purpose for writing.

I believe it is important that we feel free to communicate so that true feelings and emotions can be expressed otherwise they are just words with no meaning.

My newsletter is sent out once a week on Sundays/Mondays.

Thanks again for not only taking the time to read my message but to add comment.

Jun 2nd 2007 21:30   
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