by Herbert Gordon Internet Marketing Consultant
Herbert Gordon Committed   Internet Marketing Consultant


The perfection of all things lies not in your judgment of what should be; it lies in your acceptance of what is. And by acceptance, we do not mean apathy and resignation; we mean an active involvement in what is, a joining in, but yet within the guidelines of what truly is.

Your goal is not hope, not a denial of things as they are and a wishing for things to be other. Acceptance is an objective state, a deep and complete understanding that this is the way this moment is, this is how things are, but without judgment that they should have been otherwise.

Now is. You are. All is as it is. And that is the beginning and end to truth.

Life is not about what might be in the next moment; it is about what is right now. And now is the only truth, the only place of action, the only place you ever truly are. And it has a contour, it has its ways. It is as it is and no other.

And if you accept it as it is, without blame or judgment, without criticism and condemnation, without hope that it may change, then it will open to you. It will open in beauty and peace. It will open in wonder. And when this moment opens to you and you fully step in, you will understand its perfection. For at the heart of each moment is a deep beingness, a oneness with all that was, is and will be, for at the deepest heart of this moment, there is no time. At the very heart of this heartbeat, there is only all. And all encompasses. And all simply is.

Give yourself permission to let things go and let things be. You do not need to fix everything you think needs fixing. You can let things be, in their disarray, in their uncontrolled states, in their confusion and apparent lack of direction. You can do things without having a purpose to your action, simply because it crosses your mind to do it. You can let other people be as they are, even with all of their so-called faults. And you can allow yourself to be a person who tries new things and inevitably makes mistakes, sometimes big mistakes, in the process of learning.

Life is much easier when you are not a critic and a judge, when you are not on a program of self-improvement with specific goals and deadlines. For what is the end goal, the ultimate purpose of all of your activities?


Peace of mind and happiness.


That is what you think love, money and security will give you. And yet they lie before you, ignored and pushed aside, hidden deeply within the folds of this moment. And they ask only that you dip down and become one with the tick of life, to tock of being, the slow and subtle movement of one little moment pushing up against the next.

Yes, yes, let it be. Let it all be as it is. How easy this truly is.

Here is a little prayer for today

I stand quietly and breathe deeply, pulling myself down into this moment just as it is. I feel the peace enfolding me. I feel the love pouring into me as the moment opens to me, like the heart of a flower unfolding to the sun. I drink the sweet nectar of this moment just as it is. I feel myself becoming deeply one with all that is, just as I am.

I am this moment. I am each moment that passes, deeply one and connected. I am love that transcends time. I am time itself. I am all that is. I am.

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Love You,


Herbert Gordon,



A smile is a curve that helps to set things straight. ~ Anonymous

"If you do not like something, change it. If you can not change it, change your attitude." Maya Angelou

What if your grandest dream is small compared to what the Universe has in store for you?
Dec 22nd 2007 04:05

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