Travel Adventures! Where Have You Been? Where...

Travel Tips

by Jean DAndrea Retired
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Well, I really haven't got very much in the line of travel tips, except basic
common sense.

The best one I ever read, and it really works is this:

"Take twice as much money, and half as much clothing as you originally thought of"

Since I've almost run out of money, and often had too many clothes, I think
this makes very good sense.

The other important thing is, always pack your own luggage, so that you know
what's in it.    Customs officers can always choose you to search, and it could
become embarassing, at the very least, to find unwanted items amongst your

Oh yes,  always take sunscreen and insect repellant, and make sure you've
had any innoculations you need for the area you're visiting.
Dec 21st 2007 21:07

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Nik Freshman   
nice tips. next time will do me good. thanks
Jan 4th 2008 02:35   
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