Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

Overcoming Depression

by David Schupbach
David Schupbach Senior  

Have  you ever struggled with depression?Have  you ever struggled with depression?

     If you have, you have fought one of the hardest battles any person ever faces.  Your friends will not understand you, your spouse will leave you, you will have a hard time holding down a steady job, and you may even have thoughts about taking your own, or someone else's life.

      Except for the occasional moment, that is all behind me now, but reading the recent headlines about the young man who killed shoppers, and then himself in Omaha Nebraska, I was reminded of how fortunate I really am.

     What makes it all so sad, is the reality of the situation is: Depression is nothing more than a pattern of thoughts in a person's mind, but it can destroy everything around it if left unchecked!  Just like the suicide bomber.  He doesn't just kill himself, he gets everyone in the area.

     Now, this pattern of thoughts can sometimes be the result of chemical imbalance, or it may be physical damage.  I haven't experienced this, but I am not discounting it.

     I have written about my story at my other blog but it is too long to go into here.  My point is this:  YOU DON'T HAVE TO SUFFER!  There are resources.  There are those willing to help.

     You may read my blog at Wordpress, or you may have never experienced depression, and wonder what I'm rattling on about.  But the purpose of this group is to help one another, and I thought I would add my 2 cents worth:-)  D
Dec 9th 2007 18:15

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Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Unfortunately winter is one of the more depressing times of the year... And i think for those who celebrate christmas in winter are lucky and unlucky at the same time.

In Australia, we still put on the full "Winter Feast" for christmas dinner instead of just doing the Aussie thing and having a Summers BBQ with the family...

I'm not sure who the comedian was but he once said the 3 days of Christmas in America are "Cold, Miserable & Broke" but personally i don't think he knew what he was talking about...

Regardless of where we are and what we do, if we just focus hard enough on making Christmas an enjoyable event for those around us we can't help but feel the joy of the season ourselves.
Dec 14th 2007 15:44   
David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks for reminding me Eric, focus on others is a very viable option for overcoming bouts of depression.

The Holidays seem to serve as a 'trigger' for some of us. I know they do for me. There are other things too. Any thing that reminds us of our worst moments can trigger the mode. I have learned to develop a habit of being aware of my own reactions and actions.

Had one this morning. A certain tonality, a certain word, and I was off in full gallop! It took me a little while, but I got it turned around.

Dec 14th 2007 18:37   
Lee Poulson Advanced   Health Coach
Hey Mo
Thanks for looking at my website and you comments.
I can’t take credit for making it though. It’s a replicated site.

I’m sorry, I just got around to reading your Woodpress and it is good.
It sounds like you have a set of Tony Robins tapes.
He is good!
I have a set of Zig Ziglar tapes that I like too.
If you ever get a chance to listen to his “Who Kicked Your Cat” I think you would love it.

Thanks Beth
I'll remember you too.

I think it helps to have a purpose in life. Something more important than myself.
Some famous people got to the top of their profession and had nowhere to go from there.
Once they achieved their objectives, they thought “this is as good as it gets” and it wasn’t as fulfilling as they thought it would be.
They thought there was no place to go but down.
They just needed a different direction or a higher purpose.

Dec 14th 2007 21:02   
David Schupbach Senior   
Yes Lee, I confess, I am a recovering 'TRaholic' ! I don't have my tapes any more, I lost them seeral years ago in a divorce.... but I have always liked his stuff because it worked so well for me.
And you are right, it's all about direction!
Thanks for the good words about my WP blog
Dec 15th 2007 05:57   
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