The Law of Attraction Group

Just passing by ...

by Daniel A-L Ryan
Daniel A-L Ryan Advanced  
Hello "Law of Attraction" ...

I wanted to share with you an old quote of mine, it's at least 5 years old. I have read "Science of Getting Rich" years ago and once again recently; have not seen any movies about the secret.

Personally, I have found "The Law of Attraction" to be much easier to conceptualize than to experience ... hmmm ;)

""Creative or manifestative energy follows our thought forms; or our thought forms serve as the shaping factor of the energy we use to bring to ourself that which we desire to unfold along our lives path.

It is possible for an individual human being to utilize their perceptual field & thought forms in a manner that can affect both what is created and what becomes manifest.

How we focus our energy through the thoughts we form goes a long way towards determining that which we bring into our lives and how they unfold""

Please feel free to visit my profile & add me to your APSense contacts. I am looking to connect with other like minds for networking and whatnot ...

Have a great weekend,
A Friend in Spirit
Jun 1st 2007 09:28

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Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
Hi Daniel,

Thanks for stopping by! I completely "get" your quote, however, consider this: You are experiencing the Law of Attraction each and every minute of each and every day. If you are not attracting that which you desire, that does not mean you are not experiencing the law... the law just is - so it is always at work to your benefit or your detriment.

I believe what you are saying when you say it "is easier to conceptualize than to experience", you are referring to conscious manifestation. And you are right. Wallace D Wattles, in his book, The Science of Getting Rich, states that gaining mastery over one's own mind is the hardest work we'll ever do. That is why few undertake the challenge (we are all basically lazy at heart, would you agree?)

Just my 2 cents...

Jun 1st 2007 13:11   
Daniel A-L Ryan Advanced   
Dear Karen -

Yes, I guess I would agree that we are experiencing the "Law of Attraction" each moment of every day. What I think, why there is difficulty with such a concept as "Conscious Co-Creation" ... is because one part of a person wants one thing - then at another level they tell themselves that what they desire is not possible. or that they aren't good enough - or not skilled enough, or whatever other reasons they may have accepted into their selves for why something simply can not be.

What I think, at least based on my own personal experience is that we have a lot of 'short circuits' within us; or I guess I do at least. Because if you believe the potential for something exists, but at another level of yourself you don't feel worthy ... it creates a sort of feedback loop that cancels out what the original intent or desire or wish or whatever was.

The thing is, we don't realize how deeply down into the subconscious - and potentially even deeper .. some of these rigid and non-essential concepts about ourselves run ...

So for me, it is very easy to visualize something that is desired; but in my experience - perhaps because of ways within my modes of thinking; I seem to have the uncanny capability to prevent the manifestation of that which I desire.

Either that, or I just have a curse on my soul. I don't think I am personally lazy at heart; I work my a-s off for barely above minimum wage; so I am hoping that I can start to get some online income to begin rolling in. Most of these ideas people are just beginning to now take note of, I was into 5-10 years ago and I am still fairly young.

The state of our society and the accumulated programming that we have after thousands of years of failed starts at civilization development & management - I would say we as humans are definitely in need of an upgrade in how we see ourselves and each other.

Take Care,
Jun 1st 2007 13:46   
Karen Weir Committed  Local Internet Advertising Consultant
I agree! Our subconscious is taking in data that we are not aware of... at the conscious level. Visualizing alone is not enough. I truly believe it requires a total immersion into the material. Many people believe that the Law of Attraction is simply about positive thinking, but it is so much deeper than that. And, you are also right, it is nothing new... well, about as new as gravity LOL. The movie "The Secret" brought the LOA to the consciousness of the masses. Various religions have been teaching this since the beginning of time. Take the Bible as an example...

Before I became a full time internet marketer, I was a social worker - psychology is all about LOA - we call the "self fulfilling prophecy".

I still think that most people are kinda lazy - and this requires real work. Critics will say it doesn't work because they haven't taken a close enough look or actually studied it. In the words of Bob Proctor in the SGR seminar program, "this is not a project you can do on a weekend" (not an exact quote). He goes on to say that this is work you perform for the rest of your life. He's been studying it for 40 years - and continues to study and learn.

In my opinion, there is nothing more liberating or exciting than coming to an understanding that I am the creator of my own reality - good or bad, and knowing that it is science! That means it is an absolute certainty! I intend to continue to study the science and to continue applying it with the unwavering faith that as my mind becomes stronger, I will be able to manifest whatever I want whenever I want. I know it works because it is working in my life and in my business. Surrounding yourself with people of the same faith certainly helps.

Jun 1st 2007 15:23   
Daniel A-L Ryan Advanced   
Karen -

Well I am working on it. I have major visionary components and quite a bit of written material from over the past 12 years dealing with subject areas that are along these lines & beyond - way deeper .. like all the way to the 144,000 faceted core crystal at the central axis of the entire multiple universal cosmological genesis.

I have always given my information freely, because one of the other tenets of the "law of attraction" is to "do what you love, and everything else you need will follow". Then there is also, you must 'give to receive' ...

I just haven't yet figured out the 'how to make money with the ideas and information I have' part yet .. and trust me, I have tried to gain financial backing for my visionary projects through the British Mint & also directly through head family financiers of modern day state of israel. I was also friends for a couple of years with one of the gen-x rockefellers 2000-2002.

There are a few examples I can think of, where I am pretty sure I manifested something; in one case it took about 4 years. It's been 12 since I recieved the 12dna strand visual image I am holding - that contains multiple storylines. I really think it's about time for things to start manifesting, although perhaps in some respects it may already be too late for ideas I had back in 1997, 1998.

I am trying to surround myself with people of like minded inclination ...I seem to be more adept at having experiences so far beyond synchronicity or co-incidence to 'appear as if by design' ... and pre-cognitive divination.

I need to attract big $$$, I have visual components that tell greater story about humanity than we have yet to acknowledge en masse & concepts to create a foundation for omni-dimensional science & spirituality, plus access to scripts for a series of major motion pictures ...

See Myspace Profiles. from APSense profile to to see how this process began for me.


Jun 1st 2007 16:09   
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