List Your Ventures

Rough draft... don't read yet! LOL...Why List Your Ventures?

by Beth Schmillen
Beth Schmillen Professional  
As many of you know, I'm Beth Schmillen and I have been an online marketer for more than two years now and do this under the name of BethsVentures. I market many different ways for many different reasons. I also feel that direct advertisements posted in the social networking sites is advantageous for many online marketers.

Why Blatantly Listing Your Ventures in any Social Network as a way of marketing is a viable and straightforward way of doing business.

Here's who I am and what I do  Within any forum, Group or Blog that is intended for promoting your business, a simple direct advertisement that is explanatory and effective for sales purposes allows the SN member to readily see what online opportunities are available. This creates a web presence for you and your program within that social network.

There is an alternate way to market  It is where you provide support or encouragement, advise and free resources to the online community. You build trust. Create name recognition and friendships first. Your links are there...somewhere...but that isn't the emphasis of your activity within the social networking community.

Why not do both?
Dec 2nd 2007 16:58

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Kathryn Maclean Advanced   Social Media Marketing Consultant

Hi Beth,
I wasnt surprised to see this post was from you. I agree. You come across as a very friendly person on the net, but a marketer for sure. I do enjoy reading your stuff.

Take this to heart people, instead of just posting your business, get your personality across too! People buy from people, not just products.. When you put almost anything out there in cyber land - put your picture on it, and where you can be reached if at all possible. You want to be accessable for helping others, not just selling something to them.

I have joined lots of Beth's groups because she shows she cares. You can do the same.
Thanks Beth - hope to talk with you soon.

Dec 4th 2007 07:41   
Beth Schmillen Professional   
Thank you Kathie!

I'd forgotten I was working on this article and stuck it here where it
wouldn't get read! ... oh no!

I really appreciate what you said because I'm re-learning all about
what I do and how I do this and why and seeing if what I've been
doing has been the way to go with things!

Thanks so much for your encouraging words and great insights on
being recognizable online for the programs you promote!
Dec 5th 2007 19:58   
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