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OJEEZ Social Network Community

by Andre Lavictoire
Andre Lavictoire Advanced  
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At Ojeez you have all of the features that you have come
to find in a great social network like:

- Email
- Blogs
- customizable pages
- Forums
- Chat
- Video/ Photo sharing and more.

Well we have gone to the next level!
Now Ojeez is going to be bringing you some
great internet tools like:

- collaborative worksheets
- e-commerce capabilities to sell or barter your products or services
- video conferencing
- contact management systems

Just to name a few of them.

Well, the one thing that actually makes a social network a
success are the people that become its members, use
their services, see their advertisements, refer new members
and contribute to the overall growth.
But they, meaning the people, never get rewarded for
working to grow and being loyal to these amazing websites.
At Ojeez we understand this and we wanted to give back
in some way, so here it goes, we are actually giving you
ownership in the company.

What better way to get you involved than to offer you a part
of ownership in Ojeez, wouldn't you take better care of Ojeez
if that were the case, wouldn't you want to give everyone you
know a ride in your new Ojeez?
We thought so too! Basically as your network grows, so to
does your percentage of ownership.

Sounds cool huh?

So what are you waiting for, join now

Build your network and have ownership...
Jun 1st 2007 01:28

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