Marketing Advice

What is the most efficient way to get your linkedin articles viral?

by Isabelle Esling published author-certified teacher-
Isabelle Esling Professional   published author-certified...
any tips? Anyone?
Jun 9th 2016 15:10

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Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
Piggyback them on something that is already going viral.
Jun 10th 2016 11:58   
Isabelle Esling Professional   published author-certified teacher-
please give me some concrete example of something that works...
Jun 10th 2016 12:59   
Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
Without spamming links, you can use a free opportunity that people can earn from without spending a dime. Then once they start using it, you can offer help to make it easier. After they get to know, like and trust you, it becomes easier to suggest they read articles you wrote for LinkedIn or any other website.
Jun 12th 2016 00:11   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
What Warren is saying in his first comment about piggybacking is entirely accurate - for linkedin or any other article or post you ever make. If you want it to truly go viral, there are simple key elements to doing so.... and those key elements are called piggy backing.

Lets say you are writing an article about makeup. You go to google news, you type in a search for "hillary clinton". You look at her latest appearance. You write your articel about makeup... only to start the article, you reference the latest news.

"Hillary Clinton held a campaign rally last week at the xxxxxxxx. Now I don't normally talk about politics but did you see the makeup job she had? She made the democrats look like.

Drag it out and then move into the actual article. News sites and sites that determine what is and is not relevant will see "Hillary Clinton" "campaign" "rally" your mention of a recent event that actually took place..... and they will show you to others as "Relevant News" even though your article is technically not related to the topic in any way.

It takes a bit of skill to perfect doing this, but its not all that hard really.
Jun 25th 2016 01:13   
Isabelle Esling Professional   published author-certified teacher-
Many thanks Bruce for the clear explanation...however I can barely use this on Scriptural subjects with a Hebrew background...
Jun 28th 2016 12:14   
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