Traffic Masters

Sure Fire Way to Increase your traffic today Part 2

by Sam Clark
Sam Clark Innovator
Social Booking..Gotta do it

Yow will also want to get accounts at the following bookmark sites:

And bookmark each of your posts, this is really simple there is a plug in for wordpress called Sociable and can be downloaded from here:

You can also get instant traffic from a site like
With a single click you can find and share interesting sites recommended ( ) by friends and like-minded people.

StumbleUpon uses / ratings to form collaborative opinions on website quality. When you stumble, you will only see pages, which friends and like-minded stumblershave recommended. Unlike search engines or static directories, this enables a true "democracy of the web" – all SU members have a say as to whether a page should be passed on. Rating pages also improves your stumbles... such ratings connect you to like-minded people who will show you interesting and relevant sites.

You can download the plug-in for FireFox here:

And for the Internet Explorer here:

Then once it is installed, just pull up your sites and rate them and add a review.

You can also add your site, or article to where people can then vote on your article, the more votes you get the more traffic you get.

Well, this about sums it up, there is several ways of getting traffic and free traffic at that, just do what I laid out above, every day, get you a game plan and stick to it, and I guarantee if you do this and stick with it before long you won't know what to do with all the traffic :)

Traffic Masters Covers All of these tactics in our 96 minute video and ebook

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And Save $102.00 off the regular price
May 31st 2007 19:28

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Mick R. Professional   Webmaster & Entrepreneur
couple of new links there that i had not heard off.
Thanks and i will check them out.

good luck

Jun 2nd 2007 14:01   
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