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Dean Graziosi's Weekly Wisdom #368

by Never More Veterinary technician
Never More Freshman Veterinary technician
Happy New Year. Hey, this is Dean Graziosi. Welcome to this actually unique kick off the year Weekly Wisdom. I got some actually special stuff to share today, so do not dare click away from this video. You know, this is the moment of year we intend to transform ourselves. To establish those new objectives. To decide that this is our year. That's an impressive feeling, yet the last point, the most awful thing you can do, and also everybody shares this, however you understand it to be true, is by February fifteenth you're back in a hypnotic rhythm doing the exact same day over and over again. You simply fall back and you say, well, possibly following year. No, no, no, no, that's not going to happen this year.
May 19th 2016 20:25

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