Do you read the daily RIPOFF REPORTS!

by Leon Scheirik self employed
Leon Scheirik Senior self employed
Hello all

Just go to our group and find the link to RIPOFFREPORT.

we are here to help you,so please post any question about your business
and we will do our very best to help you out!

leon scheirik
May 31st 2007 16:59

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Kathy M. Advanced   Online Marketer
Thanks for posting this Leon.

I just came across the RipOffReport today while doing a search on an affiliate program I had recently joined. There were a few things that did not add up so I decided to search it out to see if anyone had complaints about getting paid as an affiliate. Well, after reading the RipOffReport, I immediately dropped the program.I never found any complaints regarding the affiliate side of it, but there were quite a few disgruntled customers who had purchased the products. The funny thing, it was an infomercial program teaching how to buy real estate for pennies on the dollar.Which is still being broadcast on tv all the time. After watching it I decided to check online to find out if they had an affiliate program. It goes to show that just because something is on TV, doesn't mean it is legitimate.
Jun 9th 2007 01:07   
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