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How many times have you talked yourself out of success?

by Lynn I. Earning Online Since 1999
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
How many times have you said to yourself , that is no good, that will never work, thats it I give up? How many times have you talked yourself out of success?

 We all had to start somewhere when we decided to work online, whether it was just to make a few extra spending dollars or needed to make a second income. It can be so confusing when we join that first program or try to sell our first article. But, sometimes we are the only ones holding ourselves back. We look at our own work and small successes and tell ourselves, this isn't enough or I am not climbing fast enough. When in reality we are doing just fine, we are walking those baby steps and moving forward each day.

Personally for me, I am a big fan of the baby step. I also like to accomplish alot on a daily. So, being able to acknowledge those baby steps gets me through those days, when the steps seem to lead You may have days that are awesome and then come those days when you even consider (ever so of returning to the 9-5 grind. I am glad I never listened to those voices and instead listened to the support of my family and actually seeing the small improvements month after month and year after year.

So its important to be your greatest supporter. The online working environment is large enough for everyone to go out and get their slice of the pie! Always remember that when you are working hard to learn and earn, its okay to pat yourself on the back. Acknowledge all your achievements...even if they are baby steps :)

Nov 13th 2007 14:17

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David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks for the encouragement! I am in that transition phase myself. I have more things I am affiliated with than I can keep up with, and just want to take ALL the steps at once. (as a child I must have had a hard time learning to walk)
Those voices pop in on me from time to time also, and I just have to keep reminding myself of the next step! D
Nov 13th 2007 17:55   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

I am glad that I posted this at time that you found it helpful. Just take a step back and really look hard at all that you are doing....look for areas that are draining your energies for no return....leave them alone for awhile and concentrate on the ones that are working for you..then slowly add the other ones back...or bring in some fresh new ideas or programs..


Nov 13th 2007 19:01   
David Schupbach Senior   
That IS a good idea! I need to pick the one area with the most potential..... I need to re-evaluate my ABC also, and do a little reformatting. And I need to write a TON of biz blogs! I have some good opportunities that need written about. I got so involved with my group development, I have let everything else slide. D
Nov 13th 2007 19:24   
Dave Thomas Advanced   
I think we all get a touch of the self doubt now and then and you are spot on when you say that we need to step back and give ourselves a pat on the back. It is easy to become overwealmed with so many things that need to be done. I try and set manageable tasks and even give myself a reward at the end of it such as a nice cup of freshly brewed coffee or a half hour walk in the countryside or down at the beach - great way to clear the head and get the creative juices flowing again.

Nov 14th 2007 00:37   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

That is so easy to let one area steal your whole focus. But, now that you are aware of that, you will be able to make the right adjustments in your schedule.

Nov 14th 2007 08:09   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999

The self reward system is nice too. Gee, that fresh cup of coffee while walking the beach, sounds wonderful. (Mental note to self...move closer to the


Nov 14th 2007 11:06   
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