
Do People Ask You - "What is "Nano-technology?"

by Rudy Hiebert Home Business Venture
Rudy Hiebert Freshman   Home Business Venture
From where I'm at, my contribution to that is what you would see when you do a Google search on "Nanofiber Technology" In the automotive lubricant industry, the oil and air filters are key contributors to superior lubrication. In the past the filtering aspect was always accomplished with a variety of materials, none of which could be given much credit for keeping up with the demands of our current vehicles' requirements.
Amsoil Inc. has manufactured a filter product line, Ea, that out-performs the paper, wetted gauze or polyfoam fibers in most common products because of its superior efficiency. The term, "nano" signals just how small these fibers are. These fibers remove particles a third the size of a human hair which is approximately sixty microns in diameter. You would think that this filter would plug up and restrict air and fluid flow, however the opposite happens. The level of flow restriction relative to how much is filtered determines its efficiency.
More information on this and other Amsoil product options are available at [][/url]
May 31st 2007 11:40

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Income MARKETING Opportunities Professional   EZWORKSYSTEMS
What is nanotechnology? Nanotechnology is the creation of useful/functional materials, devices and systems through control of matter on the nanometer length scale and exploitation of novel phenomena and properties (physical, chemical, biological) at that length scale... nanoscale science and engineering;
CRN center for responsible nanotechnology
investigates the societal implications, long-range risks, and effective use of nanotechnology, and educates those who will influence its use, or be affected ...
Health and Safety Issues
Nanotechnology Uses, Medicine, Electronics, Energy, Consumer Products, Robotics,
Nanotechnology Engineering, Nanoengineering,
Nano Technology in Architecture - Nano-technology is about to introduce big changes into our lives changes done at Nano scale - "engineering at atomic level"
Nanotechnology products & Books, Nanotechnology___ (NT)
- The humanitarian potential is enormous, and so is the potential for misuse...can we do this responsibly?
(CRN) ... think tank concerned with the major societal and environmental implications of advanced nanotechnology-

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Dec 6th 2015 16:23   
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