APSense Discussion about e-Commerce Webstores...

Christmas in the Berkshires

by Billy
Billy Freshman  
Hello to everyone in the group,

I began selling my Christmas DVD, Christmas in the Berkshires a few months ago. Does any have any thoughts, ideas, advice on running a successful web business?

Happy Holidays.


Nov 2nd 2007 07:57

Sponsor Ads


Beth Schmillen Professional   
Hi Billy,

I took a look at your MySpace Christmasin the Berkshires.com website and you do know how to creat a nice website with MySpace....

Promoting a single sayle item can be the most challenging. If you have an advertising budget there are places like here at APSense or over at Adlandpro where you can run banner or the sidebar ads that are most likely to get clicks ..... CLICKS ....

You might want to consider link sharing... or paying the 2-$5.00 it costs here to have a banner or text ad on someones page, blog, profile etc.... especially as it gets closer to Thanksgiving or especially thru that weekend and into December if there's time to ship it!

A descriptive blog about the product here at apsense that is always updated so it is at the top of your blogs on your profile page and then enter it in ASK under questions about entertainment or or create a question that you can answer with your blog.... is another way to do that....

Also.... there's lots of Traffic exchanges and autosurfs that might be worth your time within the month of November to promote a lot on them especially if you can pay for views/hits the small monthly fees.... or upgrade costs.

I wish I knew of something guarnteed to help. That's why I stay with affiliate programs for advertising and social networking becaaue I have a difficult time promoting single products online....

try networking on MySpace and FriendsWin and here.... by inviting and posting... that's the best way to go....hope this helps....

look and click on my sig link... you can promote your product that way no problem!
Nov 2nd 2007 08:20   
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