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Just a little cat story ...

by Penny Young Consultant
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
My pet tabby cat is almost twenty years old.

She was born to a stray under the building where my first husband worked.  By the time they were found, the mother had gone, and the kittens were starving.  They all found a home. That night, we visited my mum on the way home from work, and put the tiny kitten on the bricked in balcony with a saucer of milk.  To our horror, we looked up to see her actually climbing the bricks up to the floor above.  My husband rushed outside, and in the flurry, the cat let go and fell ... seven floors to the concrete below.  Incredibly she survived.

We called her "Tuffi", pronounced "tough-ee".  It was a joke because she was so timid.  However, she was a terrific mouser, which would have been wonderful if she didn't bring them still alive into the house.

When my first marriage fell apart, Tuffi came with me.  I moved into a unit, but pets were officially Not Allowed.  So the cat lived secretly inside, with me.  She was so shy that no-one ever saw her, or knew she was there.  The only worry was when the unit below mine went up for sale.  I was passing a real estate agency, and saw a picture of the unit.  In the window above I could clearly see Tuffi's little face peering out!

Ten years ago I moved to a townhouse bordering bushland.  Tuffi had a back yard again to enjoy.  She loved finding her freedom again, and I had to buy her a collar with five bells to stop her hunting any of the beautiful wildlife.

She was always terrified of people, but took to one boyfriend and followed him everywhere.  I married him.

One year we had major bush fires rage past behind our home.  Tuffi was too frightened to come out of the bush even though I called and called.  I had to sit and watch the brigade light the bush to control burn, knowing that my little cat was trapped in the flames.  That was a long, long, teary evening, which turned to joy when late at night Tuffi limped home - feet burnt, exhausted, but alive!

Three years ago, Tuffi's life was turned upside down when we brought home our new baby.  I was expecting jealousy and trouble, but there was none.  The cat was fascinated by our little girl, and could not have been more gentle.  Even as the baby became a tail pulling, fur lifting, ear pulling toddler, Tuffi took it all with never a single scratch.  Occasionally I heard a tiny wail for help, and needed to untangle the two of them, but nothing more.  My two "babies" love each other dearly.

That little cat has been with me for almost half my life.  She has experienced my joys and my lowest moments, and everything in between.   She rarely leaves the yard now, and her body is tired and often aches.  I do not want her to suffer.

I know that our days together will very soon come to an end, and it will be hard to say good-bye to my small friend.  Every day now is precious.  I will miss her so very much, but it brings me peace to know that she has had such a happy love-filled life.
Nov 1st 2007 01:27

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Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
WoW... that was great Penny.

I love cats too, our cat (megs) had a fight with another cat recently... he dissapeared for about 3 days and when he came back he had an infected leg... he's still on antibiotics but hes back to his normal self now!!
Nov 1st 2007 01:59   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
Thanks Eric. I'm glad your Megs is okay. It really is a worry when they disappear. They are pretty hardy though! I think whoever said they have nine lives was spot on.
Nov 1st 2007 02:08   
David Schupbach Senior   
Penny, That's great stuff! Moving, tells a story well, something any pet owner can identify with! Good Job! D
Nov 1st 2007 04:20   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
Thanks David, it's lovely to be able to write about simple things which matter personally.
Nov 1st 2007 04:31   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
I am not a cat person, however, this is a glowing tribute to an obviously much loved "family member"
Nov 1st 2007 06:38   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
My "Deceased For The Moment" familiar, Jackie The Ripper- says that you are a good cat mommie and that your love for Tuffi should be celebrated!

Wonderful story! :)
Nov 1st 2007 12:42   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
Thanks for reading and for such encouraging comments!
Nov 1st 2007 17:49   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
They are certainly independent. Sometimes I wonder who "owns" who! It was very kind of you to nurse the alley cat back to health : )
Nov 1st 2007 18:24   
Penny Young Committed   Consultant
Just a footnote:

On Tuesday 8th January, Tuffi failed to appear, and has not been seen since.

I know that she disappeared to quietly die.

Rest in peace my beautiful little friend. Thank you for all the joy you have brought to me and my family. I love you.
Jan 9th 2008 19:49   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Penny, that's a beautiful story, and almost moved me to tears.

Your Tuffi had a great life with you, and was obviously much loved.
What more can a pet ask or give?

Jan 13th 2008 16:36   
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