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Is it soup yet?

by monsterbob
monsterbob Innovator  
Making money online,and or with a home business,is like making soup.(or whatever you like to eat) The right ingredients need to be put in at the right time,and cooked at a certain temperature.
You have to follow a recipe,to get the type of taste you have experienced before or been told about.
You could get lucky,doing it haphazard,and you could pick up a Golf club,and be a "Natural"
However it's not likely.
So I like to help people with a goal.
Mine is to do whatever I want,whenever I want, with no worry about how much it cost!
You can email me if you like.....
Oct 24th 2007 01:14

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Mark Stephen Hauser Professional
Hey Bob, that is a very neat approach to promoting. The only thing I disagree with is your last statement in that I am concerned about how much things cost, whether it is activities, travel, paying to participate in online programs, or whatever. Money is an object to me!
Oct 24th 2007 09:58   
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