Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

MKWeb - Who I am and What I Do.

by Mark Hultgren Wordpress Specialist
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
This is just a brief bio so don't expect too much!

I have been involved in MLM, IM and web hosting for the last several years, coming from a Civil and Structural engineering background (over 27 years so far) which I enjoy! I am also the CAD (Computer Aided Drafting and Design) Manager for the company I work for. I am heavily involved in training the users in our five offices in the Southwest and beta testing CAD software and updates. As CM, I am an integral part of the IT team and also own and operate over 200 domains many of which are Wordpress and Joomla blogs. The main reason I prefer Blogs is the ease of use and manageability. I am a strong proponent of automation, if I can get software to do most of the tedious and redundant tasks, it frees my time for more important things, like helping others :-)
I enjoy working online and have found that there is one commodity that you cannot purchase - TIME. So I strive to make the best use of it through automation and multiplication. If I find something that works, and can be repeated easily, then I will keep doing whatever it is. For instance, I have a piece of software that will allow me to post to multiple Blogs on a set schedule, so I write my posts when I want and then schedule them to be added as I desire, daily, bi-weekly, once a month, whatever time line I choose. This way, I don't have to remember to post to my blogs every day. I can enjoy my free time as I wish (Like being here on Apsense browsing other posts and blogs and helping others where I can!)
I was told once by a man that I still believe was very smart - "If you do what you enjoy, you will never work a day in your life!" and I try to live by that motto daily. If you visit any of my websites, you will see that my business mantra is "Building a Better business Model" I do this by adding value to my products through teaching and live support. I have a teleconference center available that I can connect with others online and allow them to see my desktop as well as the ability to let them show me theirs. This alone has probably been the biggest bonus for my affiliates and myself. It allows me to actually speak with them via Skype and walk them through the process of installing a script or setting up a website. There are so many ways to make use of such a great tool to build confidence and trust.

P.S. I forgot to add my real name to this post (OOPS - My first name is Mark, but almost all my sites are signed Mark Hultgren A.K.A. MKWeb which is a branding that I have used for the last five years)
Oct 22nd 2007 15:56

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Hi Mark,

Welcome aboard, you certainly have a very well educated background in the high Tech world. You lost me with some of your terms but it is very impressive and most of all we as a group will certainly learn from you with expertise on this subject many relate topics we may have for you to teach and show us the way. Actually l am lost for words.

Thank you for sharing your information and back ground with the group and l also welcome you as a Group Administrator, this group will most definely benefit from you on our team.

Oct 22nd 2007 16:24   
David Schupbach Senior   
Mark is an invaluable resource! Both to Apsense, and the groups he is involved with. Welcome aboard Mark!
Oct 23rd 2007 04:44   
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