Using Video to Get Your Point Across

My Group Intro

by jimmy48
jimmy48 Advanced  
I have several video sites and I use video content on most of my sites. For me videos are an Income. I'm in a program that places Ads at the bottom or end of the videos so besides the Adsense income from the site the videos themselves offer a Pay per Click Income.

Here's a working site Treasure Videos

But this is about placing your Video links. Is it hard to add video to your site or blog? No, not at all, videos are just another file. Most every video sharing site offers several ways to share your video. After you upload your video the video sharing site will provide the video for downloading, the code to add your video to a web site or embed it in a blog. This way the video is on the video sharing site and just the call to the video is all you deal with and that's just a matter of copy and paste. This has the added bonus of not hosting your video on your server. If you are on small hosting this can be an Important consideration.

By all means if you want to make a video presentation don't let the technical stuff stop you. It's really no harder then typing a link
Oct 21st 2007 23:44

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Rebecca Beasley Committed   Consultant, Web Designer, Script Set Up
Thank for helping to explain how this works. I'm sure a lot of people will view this post and want to ask questions. Feel free to answer anyone who needs help. I appreciate the clear demonstration.
Now as far as making your videos goes, if you have a web cam, you can make one from your computer, but if you want to do a documentary or full fledged movie about other people or your pets, or whatever it may be, you'll need a cam corder and the proper attachments to upload the files to your computer. I'm no expert there, as a matter of fact, I'm no expert anywhere. I just thought this would be a good way to share our own ideas and find the people who ARE the experts.
And don't feel bad about being technically challenged. Technology changes so fast that the only ones who can keep up are the inventors and even they have problems with other people's technology I'm sure.
Oct 24th 2007 20:23   
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