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Do you spend enough time with your kids ?

by Eric Smith Online Professional
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
... I know i didn't (and don't in many ways). It seemed when i had a few spare hours my son was at school or at friends. I do spend extra time with my daughter - she has extra special needs, but its not the type of time i "should" be spending with them.

It seemed to be the same each Birthday, by next year i will have enough residual income to enable me to spend all my time with my kids... but when the time came... there's still not quiet enough residual... so the work keeps going...

Luckily, i have learned to prioritise my time and i now have several leaders in my Business which lessens my personal input.

A very wise and close friend once said to me...

"...Regardless of how long we live on this earth, we are a long time dead..."

Its important to prioritise our time and use it for the important things in life... before its too late!
Oct 20th 2007 21:55

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Thsi is a very important topic. Seems like in this society the kids get pushed aside to often for work, or their busy in school work and activities, or stressed out Mom and Dad just need a break already or whatever. Some day in a better time and place....
Oct 20th 2007 22:09   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
why its never about the money................l can always make that.........but my kids have always come first l took two years off when my son was born maybe l retired way too early but l know one thing..........they always know l was at there first school play, dropped off at school met them for lunch at school always made time for them...........to this day l do the same thing. Money will alway be there kids wont...............sorry but so true..........why l write about my kids a lot.......and they motivate me to be who l am..............without them l have nothing........that is the biggest problem with people they always think they need more'then they have all they need is for you to just listen to you kids.........as l wrote today in my latest blog what makes me found new material to write they create my material or motivate me to found that material within them.....................they do............simple..........see for yourself........
Oct 20th 2007 22:18   
Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
Yeah i know what you mean Joseph, I'm lucky enough to be self employed and always take my kids to school in the morning... I knock off to pick them up in the afternoon and so on...

Unfortunately (and fortunately at the same time - thats a hard one to explain... emotions often are), with my daughters special needs the "income" often takes priority... Beth is 8 and Nappies (Diapers) for someone her age are "Super expensive"... Averaging around $200 a month... Thats not to mention - Home help, Mobility aides, Special diets etc, all of which i am not complaining about (Please don't think i am) - But the extra funds these things require mean working extra hard to meet the requirements... Believe me... when a supply of nappies runs out (before the next shipment arrives... its damn hard making Towels fit like nappies...

Unfortunately, until my residual is 2 times my current offline income... i'm stuck in the "shared time" circle between my kids and work.
Oct 20th 2007 22:37   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
I fully understand the cost of bring up your kids, not cheap what so ever, l would say your dealings is much hard then mine since you daughter has special needs and the cost factor involved l can truly appreciate that.....

My cost factor for my kids fall into different category and not a cheap one l also at times have a very hard time meeting them demands. Why l decided to go back to the corp world....Then down fall here is make more but see them less. No one realy wins, l feel like l am the one getting ripped off.................But only my view.....we all have and will do what we can to always have them around us until the end........where are they this morning at practice both of them trying out for next years soccer team................slow done kids....then a game tonite at 8pm.............yesterdays one trip to the hospital for 6 stiches after he played his game.... happened before the game...during warm ups....anyhow you get the picture ....:)
Oct 21st 2007 08:46   
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