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Blog Review Request - Please Be Gentle!

by Jean DAndrea Retired
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired

Have removed my post giving a blog URL from the other topic - sorry about that!

Here's the link to the first blog I started.


Bits and pieces get added from time to time. I'm going to be an expert one day! :-)
Oct 17th 2007 21:53

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Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
I really like the look of aged paper, it gives it a warm welcoming feeling. Is Tia yours? Tia looks as though he or she rules :) Lynn
Oct 17th 2007 22:11   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Lynn,

Tia is most definitely mine, or should I say, I'm hers! :-)
She rules - it's her house.

And I liked the look of that colour page too - it seemed sort
of natural for pets. Jean
Oct 17th 2007 22:42   
Rae Steinbrink Advanced   
Can you add the RSS feed to your blog? is Atom a RSS feed? and or other social bookmarking buttons. Might give you some exposure that you didn't expect.
Oct 23rd 2007 14:13   
Jeff Greene Committed   Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant
Being born in the Year Of The Dragon, I have a very special place in my Life for snakes, lizards and amphibians--- I loved your blog, and so should every body else:

Ping it for free world world-wide!


Thanks for making me smile! :)
Oct 23rd 2007 14:19   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Mizrae,

I think I could add the RSS feed to my blog - if I get around to figuring out
how to do it.

In some areas I'm still technologically challenged! :-) Thanks for the suggestion
though, and I'll certainly take another look at it.


Oct 23rd 2007 17:04   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Peaceful,

Thanks for your comments. I don't understand why more people don't like reptiles -
they're fascinating animals, and I've always liked them.

And yes, I will start pinging that blog - good idea! Thanks.

Oct 23rd 2007 17:06   
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