PTC Scam

by Zack Mlk Safety
Zack Mlk Innovator Safety
Need Information from the group regarding Paid To Click Scam.Because I have try to withdrawal from one of PTC site but cannot get any peny from them.Need advice from others mambers.
May 30th 2007 12:03

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Leon Scheirik Senior  self employed
hello zack

sorry to hear that

there are so many scams online today, that it is almost impossible to know which program to join!

when it comes to PTC-PTP-PTR- there is a big chance that you never see a penny of your hard earned money!! many of those programs are so called (FLY - BY - NIGHT PROGRAMS)

i will update our group with more links to helpful websites!

leon scheirik

May 30th 2007 14:43   
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