

by Andrew Whittington
Andrew Whittington Committed  
So what's the big thing with Aloe vera and Forever Living Products?

There are a host of nutritional and medicinal properties to Aloe that have been acknowledged for well over 2000 years. Most are for epidermal healing and the relief of inflammation and immune modulation.

The epidermis is, of course, your skin, but the epidermal tissues are actually more widespread, because the entire alimentary system (gut to most folks) is lined with epidermis, so are the nasal linings, the throat and the lungs.

So - Aloe works over a very wide range of places in the body. FLP (Forever Living Products) promotes the idea that the aloe products be taken or used in unison. That is, if you drink the juice it is absorbed from within, while if you also treat exterior issues at the same time, e.g. eczema, or skin rashes etc, then the aloe works downwards too, through the skin.

FLP also provides a range of other products which work well with the Aloe juice:
• Bee Propolis for example, which I'll tell you about in another blog.
• There are also dietary supplements supporting the need to provide vitamins, minerals and trace elements now lacking in most modern diets.
• In addition there are weight management programs (our Lean and Clean and Lifestyle packs for example).
• Cosmetics (the Sonya and Fleur de Jouvence collections).
• Animal and pet care products - yes, aloe works just as well on your pets' epidermis as it does on ours.
• House cleaning products.

And as if that isn't enough: you can purchase these products as a customer through a distributor, or you can go the next step and build a business with FLP, selling the products and building a team. In so doing you can provide for yourself and your team a long term residual income that will continue to pay you long after you retire and can even be willed to your children. Car plans ad profit sharing schemes are also in place.

This company has run for over 20 years now - sure proof that it is for real. This is no scam or fly-by-night company :-)

If you are interested please contact
Andrew Whittington
Independent Distributor of Forever Living Products

May 30th 2007 11:33

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Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional

Hey Andrew,

This is a great Article. I wrote an Article on Aloe Vera a week or so ago. It truely is one of Natures Answers...
Oct 4th 2007 05:11   
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