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People Who Make A Difference

by Lynn I. Earning Online Since 1999
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
People who make a difference have...

INITIATIVE- being a self-starter with contagious energy.

VISION- seeing beyond the obvious, claiming new objectives.

UNSELFISHNESS- releasing the controls and the glory.

TEAMWORK- involving, encouraging, and supporting others.

FAITHFULNESS- hanging in there in season and out.

ENTHUSIASM- providing affirmation, excitement to the task.

DISCIPLINE- modeling great character regardless of the odds.

CONFIDENCE- representing security, faith, and determination.

- Charles R. Swindoll
I saw alot of truth in this when I read it today. So I thought I would share it. Lynn
Oct 13th 2007 10:42

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Eric Smith Senior   Online Professional
How true is that!!!!!!!
Oct 13th 2007 14:46   
Candice Hampton Advanced  Accounting
How true that is and I actually know someone just like that, how
lucky am I!
Oct 13th 2007 16:13   
Margaret Elmendorf Senior   
Great stuff Lynn, this is all so true. Not many people like that but they are there .I have been lucky enought to meet one or two.
Oct 13th 2007 17:31   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
I am glad it rang true for those who replied :) Lynn
Oct 13th 2007 21:22   
Sandy Mather Advanced   Writer
Very true but I think 'Focus' is a good one. It's all too easy to get side-tracked with all the new biz and offers that are 'launching' on the net everyday. I think I'm making some success with my own biz, through focus and determination to succeed.
Oct 14th 2007 12:38   
Lynn I. Magnate II   Earning Online Since 1999
I must agree focus is also important. I also feel that multiple streams of income are important also. That is why my focus is on expanding at a slow yet steady rate. Lynn
Oct 14th 2007 19:27   
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