Hottest Top Business Opps!! List Yours Now!!

A definate must read!!!

by Max Merrill Jack of All Trades
Max Merrill Senior   Jack of All Trades
Millions of people a day, get online in hopes of finding a program. In hopes of making money from home, rather then working a job they cannot stand. Here I will teach you everything I've learned over the last 6 years of working with websites, affiliates, MLM's, and so much more.

I would like to at least introduce myself to you. My name is Max, and I've been through more programs them people have pores. Unfortunately, the horrible truth is, that only around 8% of these programs will even pay. The next horrible truth is that 50% of that 8% will not generate the income most people desire.

After 6 years of researching, testing, getting frustrated, and more. I've found a few programs that pay, and that pay good.

Here you will learn the basics of setting up a site, finding a program that will suit your needs, and getting the traffic generated to that site.

I've made all my money, without spending a single cent. WHY SHOULD YOU?

You see ads, sites, banners, and more everyday. With scams and false information, from people just trying to get your money. Well here, you won't be charged a single cent, and you will learn everything you need to know.

Welcome, and Enjoy.

First, you need a site. If you know web design, then this will be an easy task. If you already have a site, then this step does not apply to you.

Before you do anything, your going to need a web host. You can find plenty of hosts if you google "free web hosting".

Once you have a web host. Your going to need a site. You can do one of two things.

a) Use and use a free script and just edit the scripting to your liking. (if the script is legally editable.)

b) Make the site using a html editor/generator.

Next, You will need advertisements. I personally recommend the following 2, due to on time payment, and excellent pay rates.

Once you have made your site, and have signed up using the 2 links above. Your ready to begin. Put the generated codes from your affiliates into your site(s) scripts. (Best if in header and footer, depending on site.)


Lesson Number 2

Your next step, is generating traffic. Everyone knows, you only make money if you have people looking at your sites. So to begin, choose any of the following traffic exchanges. (Best to use more then one, the more you use, the more traffic you get.)

Theres 2 types of traffic exchanges. Auto surf exchanges, and Manual surf.

Auto Surf -

Turn your auto surf sites on while you sleep, and let them generate traffic for you. (WARNING - IF YOU HAVE DIAL UP THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED!)

Manual Surf -

You use these, while your online. The more sites you surf, the more people that see your sites.

These are the ones that can be used as both manual and auto surf.

(More will be added, as I locate the best of the best.)
Oct 11th 2007 06:02

Sponsor Ads


Matthew Johnson Advanced  
Hi, I have a question.
Do you contact at least 10,000 Marketers a day with your ads?

Because that is exactly what my computer is doing for me right now... Im not at home; I'm at the lake with my 2 young boys.

If 1 sale per thousand contacts earns me 75.00, Then I will make 750.00 today! Every Day! How much a day would that be for your product?

Hi, I'm Matt

What do all the successful online marketers already know?

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With just two pieces of software and one awesome system, I let my computer do the work while I earn a great living promoting products and making sales 24 hours a day. Try the software and learn the skills you need to sell more stuff. It's easy to do when you know how. Sign up for the tutorial now.
Jun 23rd 2010 00:24   
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