For the love of cats

Another cat story

by Claudia
Claudia Senior  
Unfortunately I don't have a cat right now, it's to hot in Kuwait and I don't want to be her alone the whole day at home.
But in Germany I was living with cats always.

One of our cats, Olly, when we got her, we gave her the name Olliver... than found out, that she is a woman and changed her name to "Olly'.
One time we wanted to go to vacation and did't want to let her at home alone.
So we invited my father to stay in our home for the time we wouldn't be there.
When we came back, my father told me, that he couldn't do anything for her in the whole time.

Olly was a "out going" cat, as we were living near the forest and far from the streets this time.

She was a big hunter, so she took care about her self.

When we were absent, she came just one time home, my father opened the door for her, she took a look around the house, found nobody of us,
was CHEATING on the carpet and left the house.

The first three days we were back we were air for her.
Oct 10th 2007 04:13

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Margaret Elmendorf Senior   
Thanks Claudia, for that great story about Olly. My cats won't go near anyone else at all. If I am gone, they just go hide until I get back. Cats are weird like that.
Oct 10th 2007 12:06   
Claudia Senior   
Hello Margie,
Olly was knowing my father very well, he was many times with her and normaly they were best friends......
we were laughing long time about this
Oct 10th 2007 12:25   
Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Claudia,

Cats do get attached to their people, don't they?
When I go away, either my niece or my sister come over daily to take care of the animals. Tia, my cat, won't come near my sister, but will come if my niece is there.

Why? She hates being picked up, and although I warned my sister about this, she still picked Tia up - now Tia won't come near her! And Jeni was only trying to be friendly!

Oct 10th 2007 17:50   
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