Women Working From Home!!

~~Hello From Las Vegas~~

by Sheryl
Sheryl Advanced  
Nice to meet you!!
I'm Sheryl from Las Vegas!
I have 1 daughter at home that I home school. Cait has just started her 1st online business & she is only 12 – Jerky4College (Jerky Direct). She also learning to blog, she writes about American Idol! Next she will be writing her thoughts about “So You Think You Can Dance”.
We love to watch (scream at the TV) Nascar, Cait also plays racing games on XBox. God help us when she wants to drive a real car! Cait & I also enjoy making crafts & playing with our 2 JRT's.
I am a rep for 2 companies, have 2 forums & mod at a few others. Not all the money is made in a casino so I work at home. I love getting to stay in my PJ's all day if I want to.
Have a healthy day,
May 18th 2007 18:27

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Sheryl Advanced   
I have found another great community to help you get seen.

HomeBiz Space - http://www.homebizspace.me.com/joinNetwork.php?network=homebizspace&rflc=84kfaza

My Profile Page - http://www.homebizspace.me.com/homebizspace/allmylovecrafts/

Great Profile Page - Blog - Forums - Pictures - Chat - IM.......

I hope to see you there.

May 25th 2007 15:34   
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