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Launches that is where the Guru's are making their money...

by Pam Brossman
Pam Brossman Advanced  
I have noticed over the last 4-5 mths that the top Internet Marketing Guru's make lots of residual income on each others launches. At first I thought it was just a couple of one off's but then I noticed every month there was a new product launch and all of the GURU's like John Reese, Mike Filsaime, Russell Brunson, and Yanik Silver were all doing it.
I thought this is where they make some quick money. They ride the hype, send out the launch to their lists "which are already huge" and make some really nice pocket money inbetween creating their own fantastic products, mentoring and doing the seminars.

So I have decided to jump on the band wagon as I believe if you really want to learn from the masters copy what they do.

Russell Brunson is fantastic. I love the way he thinks. He has just launched a great new product and it is dirt cheap for the next 7 days then it is going up. I don't promote recycled or rehashed information only quality stuff and already I have found the most valuable information.

I got it myself today and I have been doing IM for 12 mths now and there is some really great information in this product. When Russell says the price is going up, it goes up. So if you want to make some money and ride Russell's launch. Click below buy the $37.00 book and sign up for the Affiliate program.

With these launches you make the most money in the first 2-4 weeks then as another launch comes along things quieten down but you still make ongoing income from your banners, links and advertising while you go in search of the next 'Guru Launch'. Last month it was the 7 Figure Code, This week it is the 12 month millionaire and then next month it will be something else. Very smart.

The thing I love is you can tell these guys are having a ball. They have all these mini Guru competitions to see whose list converts the most on each of the launches. I am sure they make wagers to see who can convert the most from their individual lists while they make money and show you how to do the same. Why would you not join this fun 'launch party'????

Do what I am doing and don't miss out on quality information and really good commissions at the same time. Don't waste time on the small affilliate programs, go straight for the best - that is my strategy and it is working for me and I am a 42 year old Mum. If I can do it anyone can do it.

Read Russell's email below and buy the book today it has some really good stuff in it. You can download the MP3 or just print the Transcribe notes and learn as you go.

Email from Russell...

Come and listen to a 6 hour seminar from a 28 year old guy who made over $100 million dollars (yes ONE HUNDRED MILLION) in 23 months marketing a product that sold for just $60.

Do you think that someone who knows how to sell that much product could teach you something about selling what ever it is that you are selling? I won't even answer that question... :)

This seminar has just been compiled into a 6 hour audio course that you can get today for $997... $497... $297... $197... nope... even lower. You'll have to click here to see: ($37 - I saved you guessing and it is only at this price for seven days! - Pam)


Russell Brunson

P.S. You won't believe me when you see the price... but act now, because it's doubling this week!
Oct 9th 2007 23:32

Sponsor Ads


Matthew Johnson Advanced  
Hi, I have a question.
Do you contact at least 10,000 Marketers a day with your ads?

Because that is exactly what my computer is doing for me right now... Im not at home; I'm at the lake with my 2 young boys.

If 1 sale per thousand contacts earns me 75.00, Then I will make 750.00 today! Every Day! How much a day would that be for your product?

Hi, I'm Matt

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Jun 23rd 2010 00:55   
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