Making Money Without Losing Money pays you 2 cents per ad you read

by Gary Goodman Web Designer and Hosting
Gary Goodman Professional   Web Designer and Hosting
Hi, My name is Gary

I have been in and built a downine of 120 people just from apsense. They give you a $10.00 Balance to start and pay you 2 cents for each ad you read from 4-12 per day.

You also get paid 1 cent for each person under you down 2 levels. All other programs pay only down one level. is the highest paying at 2 cents.

For instance, linkgrand pays .3 cents, donkeymails pays .25 cents, pays .1 cent and myster-e-mails only pays .015 cents per email You can join here.

Thanks, Gary
Oct 9th 2007 16:50

Sponsor Ads


Max Merrill Senior   Jack of All Trades
Gary, my friend.... The only problem with these sites, such as donkeymails, no-minimum, and mysterymails.... THEY DON'T PAY!! I've been through all of those already. Unfortunately those aren't good for anything but MAYBE advertising. If your looking to actually MAKE money, rather then get hopes up from a site that is KNOWN to not pay their people. Then i could recommend plenty of sites. The main ones I will recommend you are as follows:

With this site, I made $0.28 my first click. Thats right, MY FIRST click. DEFINITELY A PROGRAM TO HAVE ON YOUR SITES OR TO EVEN ADVERTISE!!

Another great site, When I first started using this program. I made almost 25$ in my first 3 days. The more people that view your pages, THE MORE PROFIT. The bigger your site, the more money you'll make.

Coming from me, someone who has spent the last 6 years investigating programs, to see which ones pay and which ones do not. These 2 sites are by far the best programs I've seen to date.

As for the paid to read mail sites, they are pretty much only used for advertising. I'd advise you not to use them for anything else but that.
Oct 9th 2007 21:19   
Tim C Freshman  
Exactly. It is impossible to make any sort of money in this kind of stuff. Sadly, most of them are either just scams or ad-frenzies so just avoid the email stuff
Oct 11th 2007 03:16   
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