Please Introduce Yourself Here & Share Your Business With Us

by Janet R.
Janet R. Senior  
Please tell us something about yourself; what are you doing?Where are you from?Are you a member of SEO,LC2 or both already? What are your promoting?
Just write on ;-)
May 30th 2007 01:48

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Janet R. Senior   
My name is Janet Ravindran,I'm a German Mother of 2 Daughters(2 and 4),married and living in Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur.I'm a qualified nurse by profession but haven't been working in hospitals for the past 10 years.
I'm part of a team of internet marketers providing free training on marketing for everybody.Our team (former Known as GMST)merged with SEO and became Home Based Times(HBT - )
We have our own Live Conference Center with daily trainings 5 times a week on Marketing and especially SEO.
I joined SiteWizard SEO( ) 2 month ago and upgraded last month.
It's a great program with fantastic tools to use for any of your own programs and an easy to fill 2x12 Forced Matrix,meaning no matter where somebody falls in your Matrix - when pay day comes all paid members roll-up and create the perfectly filled Matrix for you!
May 30th 2007 09:19   
Rina R. Professional   1 Of A Kind VIRTUAL ASSISTANT
~My dear Janet. You truly have a great amazing group going on here. Thanks for being a great supportive amazing loving and great individual. Thanks for allowing me to be part of your team and life.~

Hello everyone from the Pearl of Orient, Penang in Malaysia. My name is Rina Rishilah Rani. I am a qualified Personal Assistant/ Secretary by profession or on paper and am a Internet Marketeer with a supportive group known as the Home Based Times team. This team provides free training on marketing & the necessary guidance to succed with the program it ventures in. This is for everybody. Each & everyone of you who want to earn a income or side income over your current income. Janet Ravindran is my sponsor and is the most amazing support a person could have. The Home Based Times (HBT) merged with the SiteWizard SEO team to take each team to a higher level ~ making it one of the biggest merger when it comes to success.

I joined SiteWizard SEO ( in March 2007 and upgraded in April 2007 only to discover that after failures in 3 programs, I have found a great program that actually allows me to EARN. Really really earn. Not empty promises, not lies but real income. I also joined the other program in SEO called Lead Capture 2 ( In most businesses you need leads and you need to promote your program but somehow you have too many of them and you want all of them to succeed. This is the program for you. Create any landing page for your businesses with ready made templates and we teach you to be a professional without paying $1000's of dollars. I will endorse what Janet has said regarding the program. It's a great program with fantastic tools to use for any of your own programs and an easy to fill 2 x 12 Forced Matrix, meaning no matter where somebody falls in your Matrix - when pay day comes all paid members roll-up and create the perfectly filled Matrix for you!

Hope 2 c u with us!!!! Love, Rina
May 31st 2007 20:26   
Bambi Hamilton Advanced   

My name is Bambi Hamilton. I'm happily married, to my husband of 19 years, and have 3 grown sons. Living in Hopkinsville,Kentucky, in the United States.

I'm very excited to share a new opportunity, I've found, called My Power Mall. They give you a free mall, from which you can get rebates from any of over 1,000 stores. They also offer you the opportunity to get a business mall, instead, also for free, and, while you get a slightly lower rebate, on your own purchases, you also get money from purchases made from your downline and anyone that shops in your mall. You can check it out, here...

Also, I've found an excellent safelist, that allows you to send credit based mail, to the members. I prefer credit based, because everyone wants to earn the credits, which they do, when they read the email, and click the hotlink, which takes them to your site. Better yet, with GOTSafelist, you can convert credits to cash. :) Who doesn't like a little extra cash? lol! Here's my link, for GOTSafelist...
Jun 2nd 2007 23:26   
Janet R. Senior   
Dear Rina Girl,glad to have you here joining my always you back me up ;-) Hope you're fine this days;I know business is running smoothly.
Have a wonderful Sunday,
Jun 3rd 2007 01:09   
Janet R. Senior   
Hello Bambi,
welcome to this group and I'm glad to have you around.Looking forward to hear more about/from you.
MyPowermall is a great program - you're absolutely right!
Take care and have a wonderful weekend,
P.S.I'll have a look into your safelist;I do use them to advertise and had some good results already with creditbased SL.
Jun 3rd 2007 01:13   
Mark Hultgren Senior   Wordpress Specialist
Hello Janet and thank you providing this group!
There are so many different programs available out there. It is easy to be involved in more than one or two if you manage your time and your techniques. I dabbled in MLM when I was younger, but never really got the hang of it because I wasn't the outgoing type and didn't like doing face to face or cold calling. Now with the internet, it is MUCH easier to do both. I still don't do much face to face or cold calls, but with the use of email, lead capture (or Squeeze pages) and freebies I have gone from a list of under 100 names to over 60,000 in less than three months. My lists (yes I now have more than one to keep the list members separated into what they are interested in) have become more responsive and profitable for all of us.
I created a membership site that allows members to promote the products on the site and in return, they receive a commission based on their production. Those who sell more, make more. It's simple to understand why. Also, any of the members can submit a product to be included in our product line and once I have reviewed it, it is available for all the members to promote, the only requirement is the commissions are the same for everyone, your product, mine or anyone else's. Some of my members are starting to receive 70% commissions on all sales done through their links now, so you can see it can be done! All levels are based on sales during the previous 90 period. If you make $500 in sales in 90 days for example, the next 90 days you begin getting a higher commission and more perks.
Oct 19th 2007 11:04   
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