Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

Not Exactley Poetry

by Not Here just want my account deleted
Not Here Committed just want my account deleted
Winning isn't a one time occurance. It is a decision, consistantly made over and over again. Its about saying what you will do and then getting the job done, no comprimises or questions asked! The most successful people in history were the most adamant and passionate about what they were going to do, they let nothing get in their way or stop them until they acheived what they set out to do in the first place. You almost gotta have tunnel vision, or for lack of a better word, set your sights on what you hope to acheive and don't take yours eyes off the mark until you nail it! There will always be ups and downs, or pitfalls here and there, but if you are always looking for the upside, always asking how you can turn things to your advantage, sooner or later those "little" victories are going to add up. Always win in Perpsective, Never quit until you cross the finish line.

Whats Your Vision?
Oct 6th 2007 17:57

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Your word is your bound, So if you say your going to do then just do it. Life is way to short to not be able to do what you truly know is right for you and your family........Great work thank you
Oct 6th 2007 18:05   
David Schupbach Senior   
Thanks for the reminder G. I like reminders like this that keep me focused. This is definitely pertinent information. My vision is to improve the life of my family, (which is already blessed) by improving the lives of others. Truly no one stands alone, and I am proud to network with you and my other contacts here at Apsense! D
Oct 6th 2007 18:38   
Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Thats a great way of thinking, what we are looking for thinkers like yourself

Sounds like you have what we are looking for benefits for all of us..........

Keep up the flow..............what l want is thinkers on board........not always about the money until u learn the concepts we share among one another, then the money will come in $$$$, but you have to earn it..
Oct 6th 2007 19:24   
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