Marketing Advice

Do you prefer team work or working alone?

by Bruce Bates Cooperative marketing
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Which do you prefer, group efforts or working alone?

I am not talking about team building, but rather groups of people who compliment each other to help the success of a single business.

For example when building a house a carpenter may may have to work with a roofer, and a painter, and a sheet rocker to achieve the goal of building the house. Without each talent the house would never be complete.

Then again there are some that are a jack of all trades. They would prefer not to have others around them when working. Often times they are perfectionists who don't work well with others. They tend to be the type that builds the house, sheet rocks it, and paints it all themselves. Takes them longer but they feel the job is done more correctly with less short cuts taken.

Which type of worker are you?
Dec 10th 2015 12:34

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Warren Contreras Magnate I   Old Retired Guy
I must be a loner, because after 15 years making money online I haven't found anyone I wanted to work with yet. They all want to go for the big bucks and I am happy making a few hundred a month and growing it.
Dec 10th 2015 12:39   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Well in all my years here I have never tried to recruit you (or anyone) into big bucks. In factt I have never tried to recruit anyone into anything period as I don't do recruitment based businesses. However you are always free to contact me if you want to know about the marketing cooperative I am building. Equally I would never object to you contacting me and sharing what you do.
Dec 10th 2015 12:58   
Click2 Door Professional   Webmaster
It depends on task, Some task we want to do alone, but there are many task then can easily do with the help of team to save time & Money.
Dec 10th 2015 13:24   
Patty Scheeler Professional   Integrity Networker Owner
I like having a team of people that enjoy teaching and learning from each other. I belong to and have a few mastermind groups. I love the way you can get a new perspective from others that share. Oh, and welcome back Bruce!
Dec 10th 2015 13:57   
Bruce Bates Magnate II Premium   Cooperative marketing
Hi Patty thanks for the welcome back. Obviously as I am upgraded once again I intend to be utilizing the place a bit more often again. :) Always a pleasure to speak to you. And much like with Warren as I already know you and your rep, you are always free to contact me about what you are working on or to learn about what I am working on. Thanks for chiming in.
Dec 10th 2015 14:54   
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